Eleven of Doctor Strange's Comics References
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Eleven of Doctor Strange's Comics References

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Eleven of Doctor Strange's Comics References

Like all Marvel movies, Dr. Strange has a lot of allusions to the original comics. Here's some of the ones I saw.


1. The Genius of Steve Ditko

Dr. Strange wastes no time in paying tribute to the good Doctor's original artist, Steve Ditko. The influence of his art is present throughout the movie, especially in its portrayal of the Dark Dimension as seen above.

2. The Living Tribunal

Okay, this one literally made me drop my jaw when I saw the movie. The Living Tribunal gets mentioned in passing when Mordo carries a weapon he calls The Staff of The Living Tribunal before then talking about how some artifacts can channel intense magical power. No kidding.The Living Tribunal is number two in the Marvel Universe pecking order, second only to The One Above All, who is either God or the writers or both. The Living Tribunal only gets involved when the Marvel universe is facing a multiverse-level threat and is sworn to protect the Multiverse by any means necessary.

And apparently his Staff is a glorified whip. Weird. Well, it's good to know he exists in case the upcoming Avengers movies need a bit of deus ex machina.

3. The Vaulting Boots of Valtoor

Another of Mordo's artifacts, the Boots let him step through the air with the greatest of ease.

Dr. Strange has a long history of alliterative spell-casting, as seen in the name of the Boots, and Valtoor is actually a powerful mystical entity that Dr. Strange calls upon in the comics. He usually manifests as a column of smoke or as a snake, lending his power in the form of an obscuring fog (the Vapors of Valtorr) that Strange uses to conceal himself. Maybe Mordo is stepping on the Vapors?

4. The Wand of Watoomb

Hey, it's the Wand of Watoomb! This thing has a very long history of being used by evildoers, but in the film it's used by Wong in his off screen battle with Kaecilius. It usually doesn't have any special powers beyond being a powerful boost to a sorcerer's magic. Fun fact: It's also what prompted Dr. Strange and Spider-Man to have their first team up!

5. The Staff of One and Tina Minoru

For the record, I NEVER would have noticed this one if I hadn't read about its inclusion beforehand. Its a little blurry in the image, but that is definitely the Staff of One. In the comics, it's a magical artifact wielded by Nina Minoru, a member of the teenage super team known as the Runaways. Presumably, this is her mother Tina. She's a super villain. Spoilers, maybe.

6. The Operating Scene

Dr. Strange takes a lot of inspiration from Brian K. Vaughn's Dr. Strange: The Oath miniseries, but this scene, in which Dr. Strange supervises his own operation via astral projection, is lifted straight from it.

7. Mindless Ones

When Kaecilius and his followers get sucked into the Dark Dimension at the film's conclusion, they transform into withered husks with a single glowing eye. Give them a few months in the gym and you've got a dead ringer for the Mindless Ones, the servants and soldiers of Dormammu.

8. The Ancient One

"Hey, that's not Tilda Swanton!" Yeah, I know. In the original comics, the Ancient One is a wizened old Tibetan man who lives up in the Himalayas. For the movie, Marvel made the controversial casting decision of casting Tilda Swanton as a Celtic version of the character. We've heard numerous suggested reasons for this change like Hollywood white washing, bending to the whims of the Chinese government, and getting rid of an outdated racial stereotype.

Whatever the reason, Doctor Strange pokes a bit of fun at the whole situation by having Strange mistake Master Hamir for the Ancient One. By the way, Hamir is another character from the comics, a servant of the Ancient One. He was also Wong's father, but that part is decidedly not present for the movie.

9. Brother Voodoo

The Master of the New York Sanctum Sanctorum who Kaecilius murders is referred to as Drumm. According to the Doctor Strange prelude comic, this is Daniel Drumm, the twin brother of Jericho Drumm. Jericho also goes by the name of Doctor Voodoo, a frequent ally to Doctor Strange who... uses voodoo and tends to call upon his brother's spirit for guidance and power. Hopefully we'll be more seeing Brother Voodoo down the line.

10. The Eye of Agamotto

The Eye of Agamotto is the most powerful weapon in Doctor Strange's arsenal, a source of immense magical power in the comics.

In the movie, the Eye is confirmed at long last to be the Time Stone, one of the Infinity Stones necessary to power the Infinity Gauntlet (what Thanos grabbed in the post credits scene of Age of Ultron). As we get closer and closer to the Avengers: Infinity War, only the Soul Stone remains unaccounted for. I'd bet on it showing up in Thor: Ragnarok, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, or Black Panther.

11. The Scarlet Witch Connection

Okay, buckle in because things are about to get complex. You know what? Nevermind. . Long story short, Scarlet Witch has a long and very complicated history in the comics and one of the biggest headscratchers is the source of her powers. Is she a witch who uses chaos magic? Is she a mutant whose power is chaos based? Is she a mutant whose power is to be good at chaos magic? Is she a mutant who complements her powers with chaos magic? Is she an Inhuman? Its weird and the way her powers manifest are even weirder. However, one of the most infamous uses of her powers in the comics is the ability to warp reality itself. Now that Doctor Strange has defined magic as the ability to manipulate reality, it looks like we might have something here. Could Infinity War feature Doctor Strange taking Scarlet Witch under his wing as a student? Maybe giving her a quick crash course to pull off some crazy magic? Without getting too potentially spoilery, under the proper conditions, Scarlet Witch is one of the most powerful and deadly mortals in Marvel comics. Will the movies have her go down that same route?

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