Eleven Little Roosters Starts Off With A Bang | The Odyssey Online
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Eleven Little Roosters Starts Off With A Bang

And A Sorry

Eleven Little Roosters Starts Off With A Bang
Josh Flanagan

" Ten Little Roosters" was an amazing interactive web series by Josh Flanagan and he's now back with eleven! You follow Members of the Rooster Corps as they try to figure out who among them is trying to get them all killed. You get to follow along week to week and try to figure out who is going to kill who next. The first episode has already been put out and let me tell you, it was phenomenal.

The Rooster Corps is made up of made up of different organizations that have come together under "The Big Cock". From MI-6 to CIA and even KGB and Whatever Australia has, these agents must now work together to uncover the mole trying to kill them from within.If you loved "Ten Little Roosters" then you will love this! With the amazing choices for a cast and the perfect blend of funny and serious. But wait, there's more!

To make the whole thing more exciting, writer and director Josh Flanagan has yet again made an interactive mini-series to keep you on the edge of your seat. Every week you get to guess what organization's assassin is going to be the killer and what assassin will be the victim. You earn points that at the end of the series can earn you rewards.

Whether you are a fan of spies, suspense or even just Rooster Teeth, you will enjoy this series. I am following along as well and I can already tell from the first episode that this will be a must watch.

Also, for those of you who love to see badass women doing their thing then you are in for a treat. There is an awesome cast of female spies that you would never want to mess with and that I definitely can not wait to cosplay. To name a few we have Barbara Dunkleman as Agent Moose and Elise Williams as Agent Knuckle with the Canadian Assassins League.

We also have the ever badass Ashley Jenkins as Agent Jinx for the CIA and Griffon Ramsey as Agent The Griffon for Whatever Australia as.

I don't know about you guys but I am extremely excited to see these women do their thing, and I am proud to say that I am a fan of these women both in and outside their roles in "Eleven Little Roosters". I think women are great picks for the mini-series and cannot wait to see what Josh Flanagan has planned for the rest of the show.

If your interest has been peaked them I recommend heading to youtube or the Rooster Teeth to check out Josh Flanagan's newest work, and a new favorite of mine. Do you think you have what it takes to figure out the mole?

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