Ever since I was a little girl, I always had the passion of becoming a teacher. No matter what obstacles I came across with, that passion always remained the same. There was something about having the power to help people become one step closer to who they want to be someday. People often ask me the same frequent statements like “Why do you want to become a teacher?” “You do know they don’t make nearly enough money” “The work load is impossible to manage” “The praxis is hard to pass”. Yes, those are valid statements and often true, but those don’t change how I feel about the profession. Money to me is not my main focus. Yes, it is essential and important but what comes out of teaching is way more important than the economical half. Being able to teach someone something and them fully understanding it, and wanting to continue to learn is what is important. As a freshman second semester college student, the work load is something else. Its endless papers, projects and textbook readings. It seems almost impossible that there is a way that it will all get completed on time. But, it always ends up getting done. That’s the thing about education majors, we are passionate about what we are learning about, making the work manageable. The idea of the praxis is scary. For those who don't know what it is, it is the test that determines if one is becoming a teacher or not. Yes, we can take it as many times as it takes until we pass, but still the idea of our future relies on a test. For me, tests aren’t my thing. It’s never been. I often struggle and that scares me.
All aside, those endless statements do float around my brain, but never change my passion for it. It’s something about being able to impact little kids, and make them want to learn. You can see the sparkle in their eyes when they tell you what they’re going to be when they grow up. I know this is going to be a long journey for me, and I will often find myself in times where I don't think I am capable of becoming one. But, I know one day all of the handwork I put in, and the kindness Ive been taught, will someday pay off. I hope one day, I will have the impact that my teachers have had on me with my own students.
"You may not be able to change the whole world, but you can change someone's view of the world"