Remember the days when heading to school, neon My Little Pony lunchbox in hand, at eight a.m was the hardest part of your day?
You got dropped off in car line and headed to your classroom to be greeted with a morning To-Do list that had to be done by the time the morning news came on. In the moment, nap times sucked and staying up late was a gift sent from above. Now, sitting here sleep deprived, we wish we could go back to the days of homework passes and recess.
Here are 19 things everyone remembers from their public elementary school days:
1. Limited Too.
The only place with the trendy clothes
2. Tamagotchis.
This was everyones' first child.
3. The Book Fair.
Dog posters for days.
4. Meet the teacher night.
Aka, see if all your BFFs are in your class.
5. Single-File lines.
If you aren't the leader, who are you?
6. Multiplication timed test.
Honestly the most stressful 90 seconds of your career.
7. Rainbow parachute during P.E.
8. M.A.S.H.
Married to Troy Bolton with five kids in a mansion driving a garbage truck and working as a teacher.
9. Earning "Student of the Month."
Mom better put this sticker on the back of her car!
10. The recorder.
Hottt, Crossss, Bunssss.
11. Cosmic Brownies.
You either had none, or you had 12 for all your lunch table peeps.
12. "S."
The "S."
13. THE behavior chart.
*gets moved to the red zone*... "I swear mom, my teacher hates me!"
14. Tech Decks.
Hey bro, can you do an ollie?
15. Pencil Grips.
Pink gooey with a dash of sparkle.
16. 5th grade Safety Patrol.
Look at you all authoritative in your neon yellow safety belt.
17. Heads Up, Seven Up.
A game every, single substitute teacher knew.
18. Recess.
You better sprint to the swings.
19. NintenDogs.
They dead.