Everyone always tells us that our college years are the best years of our life, but is this really true? What about the days when we were even younger, more carefree and foolish? When I look back on my life I know I will remember my years at Trinity fondly, but Stony Hill Elementary School was where the real magic happened.
Here's a look back into what I consider my glory days, and why I think my time spent in elementary school were my peak years.
1. My best friend was given the role of the princess in the school play. I, on the other hand, was Prince Charming.
The next year I was given the role of Waitress #2.
2. Unexpectedly, during recess one day, I got hit in the face by a rogue basketball and had to run to the playground monitor with blood gushing down my face like I was a character in a Tarantino film.
Then I had to wear a Band-Aid on my nose under my glasses for a month.
3. I danced in the talent show with my friends to "Surfin' USA" by the Beach Boys.
And I wore a hula skirt.
4. During the 5th-grade chorus concert, I accidentally started singing the wrong song.
And I infringed upon a poor girl's solo in the process.
5. I crimped my hair.
Yes, that's correct, crimped.
6. I went on a field trip to the Basketball Hall of Fame and spit up fruit punch all over myself in a fit of laughter.
My friend's mom, who was a chaperone on the trip, still has a picture of the incident and I am fearful that the photo will make an appearance at my wedding.
7. I was pretty much a musical prodigy when it came to learning the recorder.
And the Xylophone.
8. When I was in the 2nd grade, I was bestowed with the honor of being line leader for Bus 28.
Not to brag or anything, but I was the best line leader that school had ever seen.
9. Nothing will ever compare to the accomplishment I felt after finishing the math "Mad Minute" under a minute in 3rd grade.
Those things were the most stressful 60 seconds of my life.
10. On Flag Day, my friend and I wore matching t-shirts and got matching face paint done.
The t-shirts, coincidentally, were the same ones we wore during "Surfin' USA." She was a good friend.
11. My extracurricular activities consisted of Book Club and Accelerated Math.
During Accelerated Math, I filled out Scan-Trons like it was my job.
12. For a school science project about invertebrates, I wore a homemade Coral Polyps costume.
Proof that this did in fact happen. And my parents let me wear this in public.