Voting was something I have always wanted to do. I thought it would be an exciting, liberating experience that showed I was an adult. Now, it is 2016 and the first time I can vote and it is the strangest election cycle that I have ever witnessed.
Last year, when I was thinking about turning 18, registering to vote and how I would do that while in DC, it was still the time when everyone thought that the Trump campaign was a joke-- a passing statement that would have little to no impact on the REAL election.
Looking back, it still seems like it was a joke, like someone is going to come out and say that this was just an experiment.
Now, here I am less than two months from being able to have a microscopic say in who the next leader of our country will be and it is nothing like I imagined. I have no desire for either of the candidates to be in the White House. I have no desire to watch these election antics continue for another two months.
This election has taken away my excitement for voting, which as a political science major, is something that should have been the first step in my “civic duties” as an American. I have heard so many of my friends say that they just are not going to vote; and that seems to be the case for many of the people in my generation.
What a strange, strange world.