To preface the following article, I do not, in any circumstance, talk about my political opinion. I will not tell you whether or not I voted or why. I want to be as objective as possible. The reason I am writing this article is because I think that the people in the country are losing their minds over this election and I take issue with some of the things that I have seen throughout the past year and especially the past week.
Donald Trump is going to be our president. That sentence alone either sparks disgust or joy in you. Regardless of your reaction I want you to read that sentence again. I said he is GOING to be our president. Most people seem to be under the impression that he is in control now. He’s not.
“Hi, I’m Barack Obama. I’m the current president of the United States of America.”
That’s right! He is still president. Please stop saying “This is ‘Trump’s America’ now” because technically it’s not. People say that they don’t want Obama to leave, but as soon as the new president was elected everyone suddenly forgot he was even in charge.
There is a lot about the election that bothers me. The candidate choices were not the best, I think there is a general consensus on that so I won’t bother explaining why that bothers me. I will say I am not a fan of either candidate. I made the joke that I would vote for my fridge because it’s running. (If you didn’t get it don’t worry) Despite my dislike of both candidates, I refuse to talk bad about or be bitter about either. I actually respect their courage to run for president. They both knew they would receive the criticism of the people and they ran anyway. This is not to say that both of these candidate do not have some serious flaws that would make them unfit to be president to some people, but then again don’t we all?
Another thing I can’t stand is the way people have reacted to Trump’s election. People lost it. I understand the fear of what Trump might do as president, especially with not having a lot of democrats in the house and senate to check him. I get the fear and frustration. I do think, however, that most of it is produced by the media. Most of what we know about each candidate comes from what we have heard or read through the media. Hardly anyone does research, they just trust the media. This is not me defending Trump. I think that a lot of the things he has done are completely horrible. I am not trying to support Hillary either. I think that people just get too caught up in what the media tells us and forget to look at what it doesn’t.
The other thing I keep hearing is the “Love Trumps Hate” line. This line was meant to show that they disagree with Trump and hate what he says. Read that again. A lot of the people who say “Love Trumps Hate” are also displaying a lot of hate toward Trump who they hate because of the things he has said and done. Does that make any sense to anyone? Hateful people are preaching about loving others, not hating them, but are doing the complete opposite. It doesn’t sit well with me.
All of this has made social media uncomfortable and literally unsafe for those who just wish to chat with friends or share their opinions. If you so much as hint at your political standpoint you will be verbally assaulted for it. What is the point of having the freedom of speech and opinion if the people you have as friends are only going to tear you down? People who tear down others opinions are no better than the candidate they voted against. They are worse, in fact. Plus, what was it all for anyway? Now, not even a month later you don’t hear anything about it. It’s like it didn’t even happen. All of that hate, anger, frustration, and arguing for what? Nothing changed. Everyone has finally just accepted that they can no longer control the outcome which is something that they should have done in the first place.
Like I said I do not want a debate and I will not share my political views because I have the freedom to choose what I want without ridicule or persecution for it.