"First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win." -Mahatma Gandhi
Two weeks have passed since the election of Donald Trump, and I'm still drunk on your liberal tears.
I worked the copy desk in the newsroom that night. Elections always mean overtime for the editorial department. I was all but resigned to the fate of yet another liberal, Democratic president. All the national polls -- Huffington Post, The Guardian, MSNBC, NPR, USA Today -- predicted a massive landslide for Hillary Clinton. There was no apparent chance that Trump would win at all, and that's exactly what the political establishment wanted me to believe. Resignation, defeatism, humility.
My only sliver of hope came from a study I read earlier in the day -- the only poll to accurately predict the Brexit vote was also the only poll that was predicting an election win for Trump.
It was the final showdown that would decide the fate of Western Civilization. It was a struggle between two titanic forces, a political Godzilla battle.
Then the tides were shifting. Trump wins Florida. Trump wins Ohio. Trump wins Pennsylvania. The map was soon flooding over in the beautiful, powerful shade of red.
Jaws were dropping all around me in the newsroom. I rose from my seat. "Oh my God," said a little voice in my head. "It's happening. Trump is actually winning." But I couldn't believe it yet. Not just yet.
Virtually nobody on television could believe it, either. They were crapping their trousers. "Red alert! Donald Trump has just won another state!" "Things aren't looking good -- I mean, they're aren't so well for Clinton."
The curtain had fallen. I could not suppress my growing grin as every anchorman and anchorwoman collectively soil their pants on national television. The mainstream media tossed off its disguise of truthful journalism and non-partisan reporting.
Even Rachel Maddow went into a total meltdown. "You're awake by the way," she said. "You're not having a terrible, terrible dream. You're not dead and you haven't gone to hell.”
Reality has become surreal. It is as if I'm living in an alternate universe. I'm still pinching myself, expecting to wake up from this dream into a world ruled by Clinton and shrouded in the intellectual fog of liberalism. But I'm awake. Donald J. Trump is my new president.
Now I believe a bit of gloating is in order.
It's so sweet watching Leftists break down and reveal their true, monstrous forms.
Once the Liberal Millennials trounced themselves proudly as "democratic" socialists, hailing their Lord Bernie Sanders in all his proto-Communist glory. I tried to tell them that democracy is just another tyrannical form of government. I tried to convince them that democracy is simply the majority oppressing the minority, but did they listen? Liberals and Millennials hailed the State, because they were in total control of it. "We just need more and more people voting," they said.
Liberals advocate the democratic process ... until it turns against them.
Now they march the streets, setting fires, blocking traffic, spraying racist graffiti intended to frame Trump supporters. They are demanding for the destruction of democracy. Just like the Bolsheviks of history, they are now gathering for a violent, bloody revolution to overthrow the social order. They don't even hide their hatred of freedom any longer. Now that Liberals are in inevitable danger of losing their institutional power, they have become anarchists of the crackpot, Communist strain. Not true anarchists at all.
I know how you feel, Liberals. I was there once, despising the State and all of its monopoly on the use of violence and coercion. Now it's your turn to be on the wrong side of history.
For the past year, I have all but suffered from depression. I was an apologetic, secret supporter of Trump. I sadly accepted that I was probably a hack, a conspiracy theorist, a quarter-life crisis nutcase. I was afraid of the Leftist establishment.
Then, in one single election night victory, virtually everything I knew about -- the voter fraud, the massive silent majority, the scandalous skewing of the national polls, the hundreds of thousands of WikiLeaks emails -- was vindicated. The illusion of this Leftist Matrix was shattered.
A major battle has been won for the forces of Light and Reason in this world. But the war is far from over. The dark armies of political correctness and social justice agenda are now on the defensive. This is not the time for conservatives, Libertarians and Anarcho-Capitalists to become complacent. Let's now kill the snake, finish our work.
For most of my life, I've harbored only apathy for the political process. But this election was different. Donald Trump has personally inspired me. He is a morally ambiguous anti-hero, the Clint Eastwood of the dusty political saloon. He began his campaign and was considered little more than the bad gas of the Republican Party, a joke, until he wiped the floor against every Republican candidate. He reared up against staggering odds, stared in the eye the bloodthirsty serpent of military-industrial complex, and triumphed against the greatest political evil in this world. It played out like a videogame bossfight as legendary videogame as when Link slew Ganon in the ruins of Hyrule Castle.
Never again will I ignore my instincts. Never again will I apologize or shrink back from the truth. I will never again be daunted by what the world claims is impossible.
Donald Trump, you are my personal legend.