It's 2am, I'm clinging to the side of my bed post, watching as The United States of America slowly give into Trumpism. Pennsylvania had 95% of the votes counted, right before I fell asleep. When I woke up the New York Times blasted it's headline "TRUMP TRIUMPHS." How did we get here? how did we get to this point? The rules of politics have to be rewritten. The Washington Establishment was rejected, brutally stabbed then trampled on last night. A man with the mentalitiy of a four year old is simply months away from entering the highest office in this country. This should terrify everyone.
Trump destroyed the electoral college predictions, in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Florida, even North Carolina he destroyed Hillary Clinton. Everyone of my friends has been asking, how did this happen? How could we possibly let this happen? The truth is that many people, specifically New Yorkers don't understand America. New York City is an elitist liberal bubble where for the most part everything is as progressive as it gets. It's why I love this city, the people in it, why I wouldn't have traded anything in the world to grow up in Manhattan. The problem that I have begun to understand is that I don't share the same Bill Maher progressive idea's and beliefs as my fellow american's in Alabama, Texas, or the midwest.
There has been a phenomenal growth of anger brewing within the white working class of America. The blue collard workers won, they rejected the Washington Establishment on November 8th, and millions of people who live in these liberal bubbles were truly shocked by this. Not only did they reject the establishment, they also rejected change. They rejected progress, the idea that America is a progressive clump of 50 states, because at the end of the day America is not progressive. Obama's presidency was an anomaly in a government that is built and deeply enriched in white supremacy.
Donald Trump winning was an outcry from America. It was their revenge for Barack Obama's presidency. Trump's supporters made us return to how they want their America to be, white. For many people including myself we will be completely unscathed and unharmed from a Trump presidency. White working class men and women will not face the levels of discrimination, hate and degradation the LGBTQ community and minorities will see across this country. Racism has become normalized under Trump, and with him as president these next four years are going to set our country back.
Trump's America is completely unpredictable, which makes this all the more horrifying. With a Republican like Mitt Romney, or John McCain, we knew what we would have gotten in Obama lost the 2008 or 2012 elections. We don't know when or if Trump will use our nuclear arsenal, we don't know what he will do with regards to his relationship with Russia. His election will have a global impact. He defied all odd getting to this point, and moving forward if you think you know what he'll do next, there's sure to be a surprise in store.