November 8th, 2016, we voted for the next president of the United States of America. Donald J Trump won the election, one that will go down as one of the most historical elections ever. There have been many issues and controversies surrounding this election, but the biggest one is happening now, after the winner was named. Everyone now wants to move to Canada.
I'm here to tell you a few reasons why I think you should!
1. America is the home of the brave
No one person has the power to put entire groups of people in serious danger. We cannot have citizens who are worried about one man being the president because of the fact that he doesn't "act how he should." If you are not brave enough to take a journey with Donald Trump and the rest of America during his time as president, then please feel free to apply to .
2. We don't want to deal with bitterness
If you stood behind Hillary Clinton, I am truly sorry that she did not win the election. She fought long and hard, but she just came up short. If you are bitter at the fact that she did not win that's fine, but please keep it to yourself. If you are one of the individuals that see violence as the only necessary way to express your anger over the outcome of this election, I want you to know that the gates of Canada are wide open waiting for you. Donald Trump and us Americans will not tolerate the violence.
3. Canada has better healthcare
If you're upset over the fact that Obamacare is no longer going to be a thing, Canada has got you covered. Don't worry you won't have to work or pay for it there either! But just make us Americans one promise, when you're waiting seven years for that kidney transplant, please don't come back here to the United States for it, you wanted to leave for a reason remember?
4. You won't ever have to come back to the US again
Up until the day of the election you all despised Canada, but now because someone who says mean things is in office, you all want to just run away. Canada is to the United States as cats are to dogs, as Michigan State is to the University of Michigan, and as rain is to a picnic in the park. Once you leave you won't ever have to come back, and frankly, we won't want you back anyways. So it's basically a free ticket out of America forever!
5. You won't have to be proud to be an American
No matter who was elected and whether or not you agree with the results, you are still a citizen of the United States of America, the land of the free and the home of the brave, the best country in this entire damn world. You should always be proud to be an American under all circumstances. If you can sit there and honestly say that you are "disappointed in America," and that we "failed as a country," then I will gladly help you pack your bags to get you out of here as quickly as possible. We have people in the military, officers, and so many other people that risk their lives every day to keep you the American citizen safe. Those people put their lives on the line to fight for your freedom day in and day out, so to say that you are disappointed in our country because of one person is ridiculous. The only "disappointment" is you being as narrow-minded as that. And that is something we definitely do not need or want here in the great country of America.
If any of these apply to you please feel free to let me know, and I will be more than happy to help you leave as soon as possible.
Sincerely, An always proud American citizen