It's November 6th. We're 48 hours away from the biggest election in history for many of us. Tensions have been high and people have been tested since the beginning of this race. Who will win? What will happen if they don't?
It's important that we all keep calm, you know, like the millions of memes we've all seen on social media. "Keep calm and...." let me finish that sentence for you, keep calm and respect one another. Keep calm and not judge people for who they choose. Keep calm and not spew hate.
When I read some of the comments on Facebook from supporters of the opposite party, sometimes I get infuriated. I'm literally hurt. Or when I find out a classmate or co-wroker is in support of the opposite party, I want to ask them what they truly think of me. I have so many questions, but I'm learning there's no need to try and figure out why people feel the way I do.
Don't get me wrong, it's hard sometimes. When it comes to voting for the president everyone feels very strongly about who they're choosing. Politics can get extremely heated and end badly. A conversation is never worth your safety or future. So, to keep calm during this election I've come up with a few tips. A survival guide, if you will.
- Don't force your opinions on others- as I mentioned earlier, this is going down in a matter of hours, chances are, you're not changing anyone's mind. Not trying to be a pessimist, but politics are one of those things that people usually don't change how they feel about.
- Don't bring up politics at work, school, or other places where it isn't the norm- even if someone asks you your opinion. Trust me, I've tried it before and had to calm myself down. Not worth it.
- Don't bash the candidate you can't stand- which will be hard for myself as well. But we've got this people!
- Do respect everyone's opinion- you're not the only one with an opinion. You're not the only one who doesn't want that person to win.
- Do try to understand everyone's side without being passive. Listen to how the other party feels.
- DO VOTE. Get out and vote. Never give up that right. Even if you're not very fond of our candidates this year. People fought and died for every single person to have the right to vote, let's not let their hard work be in vain.
I truly hope the end result of this years election will be for the best for everyone. Keep calm and vote. Keep calm and do your best to love all people. Be blessed.