Southern Man - Neil Young | The Odyssey Online
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Politics and Activism

Election Day Playlist: 30 Songs to Survive Election Day

Whether it's a political song, band or just a play on words; enjoy our 30 song playlist to survive Election Day!

Election Day Playlist: 30 Songs to Survive Election Day

Today is Election Day! This only happens every four years so make it count, go out to vote, and while you're waiting for the results listen to our playlist. We have 30 songs that are either of political origin, a political band or just a play on words. Let's survive election day together!

Creedence Clearwater Revival - Fortunate Son

Bruce Springsteen - Born in the U.S.A.

People Get Ready - The Impressions

Rockin' in the Free World - Neil Young

For What It's Worth - Buffalo Springfield

Tears For Fears - Everybody Wants To Rule The World

Greta Van Fleet - Anthem

Sam Cooke - A Change Is Gonna Come

The 1975 - Love It If We Made It

2Pac - Changes ft. Talent

The Killers - The World We Live In

Lenny Kravitz - Let Love Rule

Marvin Gaye - What's Going On

Imagine - John Lennon

The Clash - Police & Thieves

David Bowie- Young Americans

Elton John - Philadelphia Freedom (Captain Fantastic 13 of 13)

The Guess Who - American Woman

The Rolling Stones - You Can't Always Get What You Want

Queen - We Are The Champions 

The Who - Won't Get Fooled Again

The White Stripes - Icky Thump 

U2 - Beautiful Day

Stevie Wonder- Signed, Sealed, Delivered, I'm Yours

Journey - Don't Stop Believin'

Beastie Boys - (You Gotta) Fight For Your Right (To Party)

Maybe not to party, since there is a pandemic, but fight for your rights!

American Girl - Tom Petty

Mt. Joy - "New President" 

Southern Man - Neil Young

Fleetwood Mac ~ Don't Stop ~ Live 1993

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