Before the clock strikes midnight on Tuesday, November 8th, we will have a new president. For some, that calls for celebration and excitement. For others, intense dread and overall fear for the future. But for many, November 8th may be just another day.
That's not to say that those who aren't politically involved are doing something wrong. However, to not understand and be at least of aware of who the candidates are and what they stand for may be a little naive, especially if you are planning on voting (and everyone should vote!)
So if you are still unsure of the basis of each candidates (including third party!) and haven't voted yet, here is a quick summary of who they each are and where exactly they stand on a few main issues:
1. Hilary Clinton
- Democrat
- Pro-Choice
-government funded healthcare (Obamacare)
-In favor of raising taxes
-doesn't want to expand military
-supports immigrants and their rights
2. Donald Trump
-no government involvement in healthcare
-In favor of lowering taxes
- would invest more money into defense
-opposes immigration reforms
- Anti-guns
-no government involvement in healthcare
-in favor of lowering taxes
-doesn't want to expand military
-opposes immigration reforms
-Green Party
- no government involvement in healthcare
- in favor of lowering taxes for poor, raising taxes for rich
- doesn't want to expand military
- supports immigrants and their rights
- no government involvement in healthcare
- In favor of lowering taxes
-would invest more money into defense
-opposes immigration reforms
So as election day approaches, do your research and chose wisely. And to everyone who is eligible, go out and vote!