Whether or not you're ready, the day you've been awaiting is finally (almost) here. Here are a few ways you can prepare for this inevitable day.
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1.Register to vote.
Well, actually, if you haven't already done this, its kind of too late. Just wait until the next election (congrats, you're off the hook).
2. Get to know the candidates.
Turn on pretty much any news media network. Or open your laptop. Or just sit on your phone. Everything is out there. At this point, you would've have to have lived under a rock not to know these two...primates.
3. Practice punching holes in paper to avoid hanging chads.
We don't want a repeat of the 2000 Election. What's that? We don't use paper anymore? Oh, well just in case.
4. Choose your perfect patriotic outfit.
If nothing else, you can look great, right?
5. Get a good night's sleep on Monday.
This will leave you well rested for your drive to the polls and perhaps you'll dream of who to vote for.
6. Bring a snack with you to your voting precinct.
Not totally sure if its allowed or not, but it will keep you from getting hangry while waiting in potentially very long lines.
7. Go hide.
Honestly, you never know what will happen this election day, so it's best to stay out of the fray.
8. But first, go buy yourself a bottle of wine, or two....or three.
You'll more than likely need it while you're watching the results coming in.
9. Make sure your TV works.
You're not going to want to miss the madness that is sure to ensue.
10. Book a flight to a foreign country or learn to fly a plane yourself.
Ya know, just in case.