Here it is... the end of the 2016 election. Most of you are probably screaming at the top of your lungs, "FINALLY!" We can all now gratefully say "thank God it is over." This election has brought an experience filled with more anger, frustration, concern, and stress than ever before, and now that it is over what is there left to do? No more debates? No more speeches? No more campaigning? No more commercials that bash the opposing candidate? I know many wish that the ending results were different, but no matter who won, or who lost, there is nothing left to do other than move on.
Trust me, I understand how difficult it is to let go and move on, but when it comes to the United States of America and what we represent domestically and internationally, that is exactly what we should do. We are supposed to be a country that comes together at the end of the day. We need to make strong decisions together and stand up for one another; we can't do that if people don't move on from this election. This country was built off of teamwork. How are we supposed to accomplish anything when this nation doesn't have people working side-by-side with one another?
The United States is supposed to represent the greatest democracy in the world. We should respect the process of our democracy. Respect the winner, and move on. There is no point in fussing over the results of this election; this only brings out anger and frustration, which the nation has already seen enough of these days. Let's all come as one; let's unite and make a change TOGETHER. Isn't that what we're about?
This election has definitely had its ups and downs. Internationally countries were looking at the U.S. and thinking "is everything okay over there?" We appeared weak; and no it is not just because of the candidates that were running, it was also because of us, the U.S. citizens. The behavior seen in this election has been like no other. From my eyes I have only seen the anger it has brought out. Presidential elections are competitive, but they should not bring out the anger in us. It should bring out a new calling; a hope for change without hostility because this is what America is about. We are a nation of hope, not for the hopeless. And being seen as angry citizens only shows the hopelessness in us. We must bury these hostile thoughts to the ground and start fresh with a new mindset.
I guarantee you almost everyone involved with this election felt angry or frustrated more than once. It's okay, this is normal for everyone, but that doesn't mean we have to let this emotion block us from moving forward. What is done is done. What happened has happened. Let go. Cross that bridge. Nothing gets accomplished by holding back. Maybe the president who won is not someone you particularly like, but you never know what can happen. All you can do is hope for the best and move on.