As the eldest child, you were a lot of things. The first apple of your parents' eyes, the center of your extended family's attention, and the receiver of every present under the Christmas tree— until your younger siblings were born. You wouldn't dare wish for a life without them but every eldest child can relate to the ten symptoms of eldest child syndrome.
1. You automatically assume the second mother (or father) role.
2. If something happens to one of your siblings, it is your fault.
Yep, it's true; your younger sibling could trip down the steps, scrape their knee, or burn their finger from touching a hot surface and, according to our parents, we should have been there to stop it, prevent it or move it.
3. Your stuff will always be used.
Whether it is your brand new blouse or the latest Xbox one game, you best believe it is getting taken without permission. And yes, you just have to accept it.
4. Watching your sibling hit a milestone in their life is a serious wake-up call that they're growing up.
Uhm, since when did they start dating, graduating, and passing their road test?
5. The minute you get your license = The minute you become the designated chauffeur.
6. You always got the strict end of the stick.
7. You love the way they look up to you.
We thought they were spying but, in reality, they were taking in all the things we did so that once they got older, they could do it too.
8. You were an expert babysitter by the time you were 12.
9. You're the test child.
Your parents' high standards were expected to be fulfilled by none other than their eldest child.
10. You wouldn't have it any other way.
They may drive you crazy, get you in trouble, and get away with murder but they admire us in all the ways that we hope a person would. Being a role model, advice giver, personal therapist, and trustee of all of their "don't tell mom" moments will forever be worth it all.