Anyone who has seen "Game of Thrones" or read the books knows that George R.R. Martin is a genius. If you also know of the series, you love it or hate it (maybe both at the same time) and your emotions are messed with on a weekly basis.
Everyone has characters they are waiting patiently to watch die (Cersei and Joffrey, OH MY LORD PLEASE DIE NOW, THANKS) and it is easy to see some characters have both negative and positive aspects to their stories.
But, despite how you feel about Stannis or Jamie, I think we can all agree that Daenerys Targaryen is the supreme badass of the show (yes, I too am still rooting for Arya). I continually wish I had read the books sooner, perhaps in my early high school years, so that I could write literally all of my anti-slavery papers on the "Queen of Dragons."
Let’s be real for just a minute; she NEEDS to sit on the Iron Throne. As she has stated, it is hers by right and Lord knows we’re all very happy her whiny self-entitled brother won’t have access to it. But, rather than taking the numerous chances she’s had to sail across the Narrow Sea and claim her throne, she has chosen to go from city to city freeing slaves. From what we have thus far seen in Mereen, this is no easy.
The trick Dany played to obtain the Unsullied army was immaculate, and rather than accepting her army, finding ships, and sailing, she chose to proclaim them free men, risking all the soldiers she had fought to employ. Although the Unsullied chose to follow her, rather than flee to Westeros, Dany chose to continue freeing other slaves.
Some would say Daenerys has just gotten lucky with the supporters she has gathered, and perhaps this is partially true. If Jorah didn’t love her, she would already be dead (if you’ve ever read the books, you know that this is partially due to the wife he could never please) her personality, as Varys the eunuch has told us in season five is a more fit attitude for ruling than has been presented by anyone else in hundreds of years.
I myself have questioned her choices from time to time (come on, we all know things were going to go badly with the witch) and I am not really sure if Mereen is her place to be, but things have to pan out in the end because really, Mister Martin, how else are you going to end this series?
Yes, she is beautiful, but she’s also been through a bunch of shady nonsense. Her husband, who if I may remind you she was sold to at the age of 14, is dead, as well as her baby that she believed was her key to an army and her throne in Westeros. Really, her entire family is dead and all the slave masters on her side of the Narrow Sea want her dead.
It remains to be seen how her quest will end within the world of "Game of Thrones," but whatever it be, I assure you that your teacher would get a nice laugh out of you submitting an anti-slavery paper on a Targaryen, if they’re cool enough to know who that is.