Eagle Incentive Program: It Changed My Life | The Odyssey Online
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Eagle Incentive Program: It Changed My Life

Thank you, Georgia Southern.

Eagle Incentive Program: It Changed My Life
Georgia Southern University

When I was a senior in high school, I started taking tours of different colleges. The first school I had gone to go see was my favorite, with the others I was trying to choose from falling below. This stayed the same until I went to go visit Georgia Southern.

From the second that I stepped onto campus, I was head over heels in love. Only someone who goes to Georgia Southern can explain to you how it grabs you in and captures your heart, but I wanted to be an eagle. I immediately went to apply when I got home from my tour, and anxiously waited for an email letting my know my fate as a future GSU eagle. About a week and a half after replying, I received an email that broke my heart.

I graduated with a 3.95 but my SAT scores were 5 points below GSU's minimum reading/math score of 1010. I wasn't a skilled standardized test taker, but I was excellent in class. As I read further into the email, I saw that I was offered a position in the Eagle Incentive Program. My heart floated back up from its sunken position. However, I didn't quite understand what I was being offered. The email gave me a link that sent me to a page where it went into detail about this Eagle Incentive Program. It said that I was invited to Georgia Southern to take classes during the B term summer semester. I would be staying in one of the dorms on campus, and my grades in those classes determined whether I would continue on at Georgia Southern or not.

At first I thought to myself, "Why would I want to waste my summer taking classes"? But then my mind went to, I'd get ahead even more with these credit hours and my existing AP credit hours. Through a lot of consideration, I decided that if I wasn't a Georgia Southern Eagle, I'd be miserable. Without further adieu, I accepted my offer to be a part of the Eagle Incentive Program of 2014.

Now, as a sophomore, I still hold my EIP status proudly. Throughout my two, almost three years, at Georgia Southern, something hasn't changed. There is a certain stigma against EIP kids. We're posed as "stupid," or "idiots" because we didn't get into Georgia Southern. A lot of people have looked at me differently after I tell them I was in EIP. Even one of my professors started talking down to me after she found out I was in EIP.

I'd like to clear that up. I am no different from the rest of the students at Georgia Southern. I am just as worthy. In fact, I like to think that I am higher than the people who got in without having to work for it. I passed three classes, with high grades, in order to get into Georgia Southern. I didn't have to go through that awkward first week as a freshman where I got lost on my way to all of my classes. I got that done and over with during EIP. I got to experience college life before anyone else in my grade. And for that, I'd like to thank Georgia Southern.

From the first day I was part of the Eagle Incentive Program, I have valued my experience. I made life-long friends, one of which is still my roommate. I learned a lot about how important communicating with your professor is. I learned about the night life (not the most important thing in college, but something useful if you don't want to be stuck in your room all year). I experienced Rudy's and Rum's and Retriever's before they were gone. I discovered Daylight's Donuts before anyone else. I learned about getting involved on campus, and about the dorm life. I wouldn't trade this opportunity for the world, and I am forever thankful for what I have gained because of it. Eagle Incentive Program 2014 for life, Thank you, Georgia Southern for this life-changing opportunity.

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