Everyone knows who Albert Einstein is, he is a common house hold name. He is most popularly known for discovering how mass and energy are related in the equation E = mc^2, although he proposed many other ideas in theoretical physics that most people have never heard of, much less understand. Although recently making headline news is the detection of gravitational waves which were created in far off space by the collision of two black holes (Gravitational). Now why is this such a big deal? This discovery proves how Einstein theorized the universe to be. It proves that there are ripples in the fabric of space-time, a concept that Einstein only ever imagined, but now it’s a reality. It’s really astounding that someone 100 years ago was able to theorize a concept that scientists are just now able to prove true.
So how does this concept being proven true really affect our lives? For many people, they won’t understand the gravity of this scientific event, and how it drastically changes the way that people view the world. A recent blockbuster movie, Interstellar, is based on the Theory of Relativity. Before, that movie only seemed like it would just be a figment of the world’s imagination, but now something like that could become a reality. Since this theory of Einstein’s has been proven true, who knows what could be next. Maybe time travel and teleportation aren’t as impossible as people think they are. With each advance the science community makes, we’re just one step closer to achieving things that are just a figment of our imagination.
To some this discovery may not seem that important, some people may never even hear the news or choose to pay attention but to others, this discovery is their life’s work. To the scientists that have been studying theoretical physics for decades have just made the finding of the century. It leads us closer to unearthing all the universe’s wonders and phenomena that occur right in front of our faces every day that we just don’t understand yet.