18 years of revolving around the sun later... I bring you 18 of the most important lessons I hold near and dear to my heart as I enter adulthood.
1. Do what you love.
Do what you actually love. Don't go join 134 clubs just because you think it'll look good on your college application because — spoiler alert: it won't. Even if you get the chance to be president of six clubs, consider prioritizing what you care about. Invest yourself in things you genuinely enjoy because when your passion is evident, you'll excel.
2. You won't regret being kind to someone.
But, chances are, you'll regret being mean.
3. Challenging yourself builds character.
Don't just take the easy way out, especially in academics. High school is a time for growth and rigor. Don't just limit yourself to your comfort zone.
4. Carbs are great; chocolate isn't half-bad either.
Likewise, vegetables can be pretty promising too. Balance is crucial to your well being, so make it a point to take care of yourself.
5. Toxic friends are a no.
If you're nothing but nice, and they're nothing but mean, then why are you letting them poison your happiness? Don't be afraid to stand your ground and eliminate the negativity.
6. There's a high chance that what other people think is irrelevant.
So don't wait for them to weigh in on your life decisions.
7. Public speaking skills = important.
Being articulate and poised will make you feel empowered... even if it feels cringe-y at first.
8. Don't be petty.
I'm guilty of having my petty moments. But seriously, just say how you feel, and don't be passive aggressive about it.
9. Getting into fights over politics is not worth it.
It's always great to debate differences, but when it comes to nasty, personal attacks, everyone seems to think they're right. Unless both you and your opponents are well-informed, you might just find yourself bickering over some alternative facts.
10. Social media does not quantify your self-worth.
This is definitely something that's said extremely often, but I think it's difficult to take to heart when you're only getting 60 likes and someone else is getting 400. Being loved deeply is what that matters.
11. Be humble.
God has blessed us with gifts to glorify Him with, not to glorify ourselves. Not every success needs a round of applause. Your success is a success nonetheless.
12. There are no benefits to procrastinating.
Maybe your mind will try to convince you otherwise, but at some point you'll have to do the work.
13. Don't touch your nails after you painted them to see if they're dry.
I promise you, they're not. And now your nails are messed up, and you wish you had just been patient for a little while longer.
14. Don't buy something just because it's on sale.
There's a high chance that it'll be sitting, unused in your room six years later (this is a true story).
15. Driving is not a joke, so don't treat it like one.
Getting your license will probably be one of the most exciting milestones of your teenage years. But with that, you will become responsible for your life and so many others. Don't think for one second that it's a joke.
16. Drinking coffee in the late afternoon might not be the best idea.
That is, of course, you like bouncing off the walls in the wee hours of the night.
17. Ask for help if you need it.
Sometimes, no one knows what they're doing, yet everyone still pretend like they know what they're doing. "Fake it till you make it," might work, but if you don't ask for help, then you'll never really have tried.
18. Love with all your heart.
Nothing is forever, so love while you can.