Success is one of those many things that can have a different meaning from one person to the next. This does not mean one persons idea of success is greater than, or truer than somebody else, it just means that each person defines their personal success in their own way. While success may be seen as something that is achieved over time, I believe that it can be achieved in small ways every single day. I look at success as an attitude more than it isan actual title. Here are eight ways to feel successful in what you do everyday.
1. Take Responsibility
For your words and your actions, taking responsibility is important. Don't blame others or make excuses for your falls and only take responsibility for your triumphs, take responsibility for everything
2. Give People More Than They Expect
It is always nice when someone or something exceeds our expectations. Try and make it your mission to pass that feeling to someone else by doing something that will make an impression, or be more than they expect, even if it is something as simple as holding the door.
3. Be Grateful
There is so much in this world to be grateful for. Don't dwell on the negatives, or the things you don't have, or the things you can't change, rather find the things to be grateful for, no matter how large or small they may be.
4. Be Honest
Be honest to yourself and to other people. Honesty is the best policy to bring it into our own daily lives and the lives of everyone around us.
5. Be Loyal
Selfishness is becoming more prominent in our society, so don't fall into that trap. Be loyal to your friends and your family because they will then show you the same loyalty in return. Most importantly be loyal to yourself and your beliefs.
6. Be Generous
Generosity can be shown in many ways, but one way to do so is to give to others. Think about those who have been generous to you in your lifetime and think what one small act of giving can do for somebody else.
7. Be Forgiving
Forgiveness of others starts with forgiving yourself. For the little things and the big things find it in your heart to forgive yourself for mistakes and you will be able forgive others and that will take you a long way.
8. Have Courage
Live life with no regrets. Have the courage to try something new because if you don't you will look back and regret not doing it more than you will regret trying it.
While all of these things may be a classic example of "easier said than done," all it takes is the will to start to do, even one of these things each day, and you will begin to feel accomplished and successful every night. These are just small steps towards the numerous other things that can be done to help you fulfill your own definition of success.