Fraternity houses.If you're a college-aged girl, more than likely you've spent at least one or two evenings (or hundreds of evenings, but who's counting?) in a frat house for who knows what. Maybe you saw some famous country singer or rapper the fraternity spent insane amounts of money on to perform at their house, or maybe fraternity houses are you're regular hangout spot to bro out (lol) with your guy friends. Despite whatever circumstance has caused you to hangout in a frat house for multiple hours at a time (bless you), I think we can all agree that we have similar thoughts while being there. These are the eight thoughts you have at a frat house.
1. What is that smell?
Is it that pizza that looks like it's collecting mold? The beer spill that has probably been on the ground for hours? Body odor? All three? The world may never know.
2. Where can I use the bathroom?
Then a guy will show you where the pee, but it's just weird because it's a community bathroom with five guys already in there.
3. Why are boys so rowdy?
Like, did that boy really just jump from the top of the stairs onto a table just to see if he could break it? Please calm down, Greg.
4. How much do the people that clean this place get paid?
5. Whoa, who's that guy? He's so hot. Why don't I hang out here more often again?
*dreams about him seeing me here and inviting me to his beach formal*
6. Oh, shoot, there's the guy that I avoid at all costs because it's so awkward. Now I remember why I don't hang out here that often.
*runs to the nearest community bathroom to hide until the coast is clear*
7. Why is there a hole in the wall? Did a coat hanger fall into the wall? Is it used to spy on the room next door? I really need to know.
To be honest, it was probably that guy, Greg, that slammed his body into a table from the top of the stairs earlier.
8. Why do I keep hanging out at frat houses again?
Oh yeah, because I love these guys!
Even though fraternity houses are strange and mysterious places, you really can't resist the experience.