8 Things You Should Know Before Turning 21 | The Odyssey Online
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8 Things You Should Know Before Turning 21

Even if you think some of the advice is pointless or has been already given to you before, maybe it has provided you a reality check so you do not overestimate turning 21.

8 Things You Should Know Before Turning 21
keepcalm-o-matic.uk, The Keep Calm O Matic

So you are about to turn 21? Then again, maybe you are still a teenager who wishes they were twenty-one. Regardless of which of the two categories you fit into, there are some things that you need to know when you turn 21. You may not like all of them, but they are truths you must accept nonetheless.

1.You finally get to drink legally.

Awesome, right? Well, considering that you get the right to vote, smoke, serve in the United States Military, and be a licensed driver by the time you are 18, finally being able to get wasted at a party without breaking the law is not much to brag about. Besides, let’s be honest. You most likely drank alcohol before you were even close to being 21.

2.You are nine years away from being 30.

Yes. You heard me correctly. I am certain that there is a high possibility that you spend a lot of time thinking about being able to make your own rules and be independent. Spoiler alert! By the time you turn 21, you will realize being an adult with responsibilities is difficult and figure out that life was easier when you lived with your parents.

3.When you turn 21, you will be another year older.

Yeah, being able to finally drink legally is something to celebrate but if and when you are too intoxicated to speak coherently or without being nauseous, you will be dependent on other people all over again and wake up regretting drinking so much. So much for being another year older, right?

4.By the time you are 21, people will expect you to have your life at least somewhat together.

For a lot of people, this means having a steady job and a car to drive where you need to go. Some people already have their own apartment by that age. As a fair warning, people will be disappointed or taken aback if you lack a steady job and/or a car.

5.When you are 21 or near that age, those around you will expect you to be mature and responsible enough to at least somewhat navigate the real world.

This includes being ready for spaces without trigger warnings and people who could not care less about how certain actions or phrases offend you. This also includes being able to manage your money instead of spending all of your paycheck on Starbucks, happy hour, needless shopping, or other frivolous desires.

6. By the time you are 21, you should be able to cook some basic recipes, know how to do some basic maintenance on cars, and have an idea of how to do taxes.

You will never have somebody to assist you right away all the time so being self-sufficient in a few different tasks is helpful. Everybody must participate in "adulting" at some point whether they like it or not.

7. When you turn 21, you should learn how to party safely and responsibly.

If you are the more introverted type, that is fine. All the same, you need to have the skills of knowing who you can trust with driving you when you drink too much to drive, you need to know your limits so you can still make proper judgements and avoid people taking advantage of you, and you need to be able to call your parents without feeling ashamed just in case your friends are too drunk to take care of you.

8. Before you turn 21, you should figure out ways to have fun when going without drinking.

Yes. This may sound absurd, but knowing how to have fun without drinking is important so you can make meaningful memories that you can remember and maintain your health so you do not develop any issues as a result of going out drinking too often. Besides, with Cards Against Humanity, HeadBanz, going to see live music, Netflix, and so many other activities that one can enjoy without drinking.

Overall, I hope that this article has helped you prepare for when you turn 21. Even if you think some of the advice is pointless or has been already given to you before, maybe it has provided you a reality check so you do not overestimate turning 21. Lastly, I hope that if this advice does not help you, it helps somebody else who thinks turning 21 is all that.

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