The stares. The feelings. The questions. As the oldest of four kids--the youngest two being nine years old and six years old--I've dealt with it all. And, if you're also an older sibling to kids significantly younger than you are, there's a good chance that you'll understand it, too.
1. Knowing the Culture of the Younger Generation
Listen, I may be a legal adult, but I can tell you about every currently airing Disney Channel show and the actors who star in them. Wait, you mean that you don't know what Shopkins are???? Forget about seeing PG-13 movies when you're home. On the bright side, you always have an excuse to go see the latest Pixar film.
2. People Always Assuming that You're Your Sibling's Parent
I have been told "Happy Mothers' Day!" on every Mothers' Day for the past four years. Almost every time I go out in public with my siblings, I'm told how cute "my kids" are. I used to quickly assure strangers that I'm not actually a young single-parent that would have given birth to these kids at the ages of ten and thirteen if I actually were their parent, just an older sibling. I've pretty much given up on this, though. Now I just smile and say "thanks."
3. ...But Actually Sort of Being a Third Parent
You better believe that I want to beat the snot out of the brats that are mean to my little children siblings. Honestly, sometimes I wonder if I'm more protective and strict with my brother and sister than my mom and dad are.
4. The Struggle of Car Ride Song Choices
I probably don't want to admit how many times I've nearly had a wreck in the frenzy of hurriedly trying to change the next song that starts playing in the car. If you ever want to be hit with the cold, hard truth about the appropriateness of your music taste, just put a young child in the back of your vehicle and consider whether or not a song is something he or she should be listening to.
5. Being a Built in Babysitter
At least your parents are happy. No, but seriously, I love the time that I get to spend with my siblings. Even when they don't listen to a thing I say.
6. When People Start Gushing About how Badly They Want Kids and You're Just Like.........
Breaking News: The cute family pictures you see on social media are either a one in a billion moment or the result of talented photoshop. Take it from me. Children are NOT a walk in the park, and being a parent is not all about the cute Insta pics you can get out of your kid. Most days you're just happy that you all made it out of the house with your shoes on the right feet.
7. They Keep You Young
Sometimes it's hard to feel like you quite fit in with people who are actually your own age when you still think potty jokes are funny. But hey, at least you keep the joy of childhood.
8. You Have the Best Kind of Siblingship
Sure, there're struggles, and they can definitely get on your nerves. But at the same time, you wish you could freeze your siblings in time and keep the relationship the same forever. At the end of the day, you wouldn't change a thing.