It's registration season, the most wonderful time of . . . wait, no . . . the most dreaded time of the year! Most of you have already registered and are now laughing at those waiting in suspense to fight to the death over the last seat of various classes, so relax and reminisce over these eight relatable things that every student can relate to during registration (the majority of the freshmen class, I'm so sorry.)
1. Trying to avoid that dreaded 8 AM while scheduling classes but ultimately failing and questioning whether college is really worth it
2. Having to choose between the two classes you actually wanted to take because the only possible sections conflicted
3. Taking shots of caffeine to be wide awake and ready for the moment it hits midnight
4. Sitting in front of your computer 20 minutes before midnight . . . waiting
5. That moment it hits midnight and you are positive your heart stopped and will never start ever again
6. Waiting that three minutes for the page to load
7. That moment when the page finally loads and you see you got into the majority (if not all) of your classes
8. Suddenly realizing now that registration is over, finals are right around the corner