I'm the daughter of a Kindergarten teacher. Being a teacher's kid has it's perks, but it also has it's downfalls. Quite a few of my school friends were in the same boat as me. We all went through it together. Here are a few of the tell-tale signs that you are in fact, the child of a teacher.
1. You Have A Solid Friendship With All Of The Janitors
Being that I was always hanging around the school, I had a lot of face time with the janitors. As far as I'm concerned they're the real inner workings of the school system. It was always nice to walk down the hallway and high-five one of the true heroes.
2. You're A Regular In The Teacher's Lounge
Everyone knows the first thing you do after a long day of school is hit the refrigerator for an afternoon snack. However, when you're stuck at the school after hours you make do with the vending machine. If I wasn't in the classroom I could be found with a handful of quarters in the lounge.
3. You Find Out Who Is In Your Homeroom Early
When the beginning of the new school year rolls around everyone gets excited to find out who is going to be in their homeroom. Will you get the same class as all your friends, or will you spend the year forcing friendships with new people? When you're the child of a teacher it's pretty easy to take a trip down the hall and look at the homeroom rosters "behind the scenes."
4. You Have The Shortest Bus Ride
There was a school bus that shuttled teacher's kids from their school to their parent's school. A bunch of us rode it together. There wasn't more than three miles between all of the schools so just about as soon as you sat down you had to hop up. Then we all had to make the long trek from the road to the front of the school.
5. You Hear All The Teacher Gossip
Word travels fast around the school house. As the child of a teacher, I've heard my fair share of the teacher gossip. Who's leaving next year? Who is switching grade levels? You name it, I've heard it.
6. You Spend A Few Days Of Your Summer At School
Every summer my Mom recruits my two sisters and I to come to school with her to set up her classroom. The day usually consists of setting up the computers, dusting, and rearranging all the tables and chairs. Thankfully, we're rewarded with lunch.
7. You've Sat Awkwardly In The Back Of A Meeting
There have been more than a few times when I've walked into my Mom's classroom to find a meeting taking place. All you can do is skirt around the edge of the room and retreat to the back. Of course, there will be a moment of silence as every other teacher turns to look at the intruder.
8. You're Early To School And Late To Leave
Teachers have to get to school early before the kids. That means that you also get to school before the kids. Teachers have to hang around in the afternoon after all the kids leave. That means you also have to hang around in the afternoon after all the kids leave.