1. You don’t care about looking silly with her.
Matching shirts or crazy poses in front of very public statues, nothing is too silly with her. Even if it is the most embarrassing stint there is no boundaries to what may happen. She may be your extra confidence needed to really go into the world and experience everything. Even armed with the worst dance moves, that zumba class sounds like an amazing option. When you're with your best friend, it seems that those horrible moves suddenly turn into a dance worthy of Broadway.
2. Their relationship becomes just as important as yours and vice versa.
A best friend’s happiness is just as important as your own. Their partner, at first, is held a suspicion. If they were to ever hurt her, you would be there for them. It’s almost as if you are scared for your best friend. Then the shift happens, their relationship suddenly seems safe to you and you become heavily and emotionally invested in the happiness of them both. Their partner becomes a close friend. They still are held to your high expectation you have for your best friend’s boyfriend, however.
3. There is an endless amount of support and understanding between the two of you.
Without asking, they know when you need a supporting hand. They can talk you out of a rut without much effort because they understand what it takes to bring a smile to your face. Even when both of you are going through a hard time it seems like a few moments spent talking can help fix any issue.
4. You have a routine, but are not afraid of spontaneous plans.
Every group of best friends has their favorite activities. Panera dates or early morning gym runs seem to just work their way into everyday life; however, between the two of you, there is no fear of just jumping in a car and hoping to find some new adventure. Some will fail (like the fish you adopt), but others will be lifelong memories (like the local spring festival).
5. You do everything together, and not even on purpose.
Shared interests are what brought you together in the first place and it seems they continue to do so as life continues. School clubs and jobs are all shared memories because you both enjoy them so much.
6. Even the most boring of chores become hilarious hang outs.
Cleaning during work may not seem like the most fun activity but with your best friend, it is suddenly your lifelong goal to benefit the company. With a best friend, it is possible to make homework and studying a relaxing hangout session. No matter what the chore may be, it will always be tenfold more exciting with her there.
7. Telepathy is real.
Okay maybe not telepathy, but even the quickest glance can tell a 500-page story on what she is feeling. Words aren’t often needed, but when they come out it isn’t much of a surprise what your best friend will say.
8. Even distance won’t erase the friendship.
Even hundreds of miles apart, best friends will check in on each other and plan what they will do when they see each other again. Going from seeing each other every day to once every few months is difficult, but best friends always know that when they get home, a friend for life will be waiting for them.