Let's face it, after being single for a while it's kind of natural to start thinking something is wrong with you. It's human nature to start overanalyzing your personality, your looks, your weight, and your interests, and this is not okay. Too often we only consider the negative, worst case scenario reasons why we fail to accomplish things. Why should you sit around criticizing yourself because you're single, when you could be thinking about the many more awesome reasons why you're single instead? By thinking negatively not only are you wasting your time, but you're also wasting your energy and making yourself feel shi**y. There are numerous reasons why you're still single and rocking it, and here are eight of them.
1. You're focusing on yourself right now.
You're independent, strong, confident, and you don't need or want anyone holding you back. You want to be the best version of yourself possible, so why should anyone hold you back?
2. You haven't met anyone good enough yet.
It's perfectly okay not to settle. Sure, after being single for a while you may start to think "Should I lower my standards a bit?" but the answer to this question is alwaysNO! You set these standards for a reason.. don't settle for anything else until you find someone who is good enough for you.
3. You've got amazing friends instead.
Who needs a man when you have awesome friends to cuddle with instead? Your friends are your life and you love spending time with them. When you're ready to let someone else in you can do it, but for now, you're perfectly comfortable spending your time with your friends and there is nothing wrong with that.
4. You're focusing on school/ your career instead.
Who doesn't want to be successful in school or their career? Sometimes having a boyfriend or girlfriend can be more of a distraction than a positive addition to your life. If your main focus is on school or your career, go for it. You can chase love when you have more time.
5. You're in love with the "single life."
Even though it's easy to complain about being single, you gotta admit that it's pretty damn fun. Having the freedom to do what you want to do, spend time with who you want to spend your time with, and relax by yourself is pretty amazing. You're comfortable with how you're living your life right now, so do you really want to bring someone else into your world? Sometimes change is good, but you can be the judge when you want change to affect your life again.
6. You're too busy.
You've got vacations to take, parties to attend, friends to spend time with, people to meet, and goals to accomplish. Your schedule is packed. So what if you don't have time for someone else?
7. You're happy being alone.
There's something really comforting about being able to enjoy spending time alone. Alone in coffee shops, alone in an empty house, alone on a beach, alone in a car, wherever. Sometimes being alone is just better.
8. You're not ready.
There is no reason to rush yourself into a relationship when you know you aren't ready. It won't be worth it. Instead, embrace what makes you happy right now, and go chase what you are ready for, instead.