No matter if they are as big as a towering skyscraper, or as small as one single grain of sand on the seashore, challenges are bound to be faced in the work environment. Time seems to flow opposite of what is necessary, too fast when big project deadlines are coming up, and too slow when there is a lull in the day and there is no task that needs to be completed. Printers will not cooperate when there are endless copies to be made, and important files can vanish from a computer desktop without a trace.
These challenges serve as self-assessments that communicate to ourselves how we deal with the struggles in our lives and how we can better prepare for and handle them in the future. They teach us how to be more responsible, improve our organizational skills, and make us better communicators.
The stress from a challenge only lasts a short period of time; it is a temporary roadblock in the large, overall process. This stress is not negative, for it serves as a reminder of our inner strength and capabilities. When the long work day comes to a close, there are only two things left: ourselves and what we bring to the table - the effort that we show.
Effort is a direct reflection of personal nature. The strengths of our efforts reveal our attributes, which are then communicated to those around us. For example, showing disinterest or having a lack of enthusiasm when working collaboratively on a project may communicate laziness or unproductivity to coworkers. On the contrary, being optimistic about the future of the project and cooperating with team members to create a schedule is far more encouraging because it communicates personal strengths, charisma, and craft.
It is incredibly wise to constantly strive to show a great amount of vigor and zeal when working. Going above and beyond and creating a project that is full of pride enables the brain to be put on a path that leads directly to success.
When the brain is put into a headspace that acknowledges achievement and hard work, it also engages passion. This is a path that ultimately leads to feelings of joy, wonder, and peace.