If the statement “Practice makes Perfect” is upgraded, the correct statement would be “Perfect Practice makes Perfect”. To put it in another way— who learns how to cook a perfect barbecue steak with defective skills? A person would have to learn to cook a steak with the right exercises. Regarding heroic characters’ past lives and the formation of fine habits, everyonecan see that practicing will successfully develop one’s talents with the application from certain circumstances, which is in this case: adversity.
One can visualize the effects of adversity by reading the bibliographies of many heroic individuals. Helen Keller, the disabled woman who lived to be the first deaf-blind person to earn a bachelor of arts degrees, overcame her greatest obstacle by confronting it every day of her life. There is also Ole Kirk Christian, the founder of Lego, who struggled with many financial hardships before rising to success. Indeed, these are not the only people who worked with adversity to become who they were or are. There are countless human beings in this world who increased their ability to handle crisis with continuous misfortune.
Hardships and difficulties produce healthy habits. Rehearsing to confront these sufferings create convenient routines. For instance, people living in dangerous locations, such as deserts, have to learn skills to survive the wilderness. The desert inhabiters must keep in mind and should stay alert to keep away from predators and escape possible death. Misfortune will increase ones optimism and perseverance.