Being in a sport’s club the past two years, as well as playing on sport’s teams when I was younger, has allowed me to truly understand the role that is played in the title of “Captain.” I’ve experienced my share of the good and bad versions of this position but I would like to share what makes an effective captain.
A captain is not necessarily the best player on the team. There is this ideology that being captain is a position above the rest. This couldn’t be more wrong. A position of leadership is actually one meant to serve others. On and off the field. Being a captain involves a lot of responsibility. It's more than just manning the coin toss before every game. It's so much more.
It's learning and understanding the strengths and weaknesses of the team so that you can better the team as a whole. It's knowing when a teammate is down and being able to help them through their struggle. As a captain, you've either been there yourself or you've seen enough to know how to handle these various kinds of situations and gauging how you will handle this one.
Leaders learn through their peers and that's exactly what an effective Captain should be doing. They become better players by growing alongside their teammates as well as learning each individual on their team. Your captain should be the person you trust to motivate you. They should enforce positive thinking in their team. Especially, when they are feeling stuck. Your captain should be someone you can rely on to get you back on your feet.
Effective captains need to set an example of consistency. They should be expected to be held accountable for giving their all to their team 100% of the time. Because that kind of energy is infectious and will inspire the team to do the same.
A good captain makes time for their team outside of the games and practices. Captains have to make bonds with their teammates in order for them to feel comfortable relying on this person to lead the team. Who says the captain can't participate in cheat day? After all, a team is only as strong as its weakest link.
I'd like to thank all the captains I've had for showing me what it takes to truly embody the title and for making me a better player in doing so.