So, my roommates and I decided to take up watching The Twilight series as a way to de-stress and let me tell you it does the trick. I haven't (ironically) laughed obnoxiously hard at a movie in a long time, and I've quite enjoyed watching them-for every reason they weren't made for. Although, I can't ignore the fact that Edward and Bella's relationship is EXTREMELY TOXIC! And the fact that people have been idealizing it for 10 years is downright atrocious. Now I'm here to unpack every little thing right now!
1. Edward terrifies Bella.
As he should. He's a vampire.
2. Edward is controls what she does, who she sees, and where she goes.
We get that you're trying to protect her but like CHILL!
3. Edward makes all of the decisions.
Bella has a mind too! If your relationship was 2 sided, shit would've been better.
4. They both threaten to commit suicide MORE THAN ONCE
No one is worth that guys. And that guilt and blame is so toxic.
I get that he's a vampire and she has pure blood or whatever, but keep it to yourself or just walk away!
7. He forced Bella to leave her home MULTIPLE TIMES
Let the girl live her life! And poor Charlie!
8. Edward is constantly accusing her of cheating.
We all know that Jacob is literally hot, but you have to trust your woman!