So far in this "series," I have discussed educational inequality in a broad sense, explicitly identifying that it persists through college. I have also presented a few different reasons for why educational inequality exists at all, including but not limited too, income equality, human capital, the privatization of schools, and teacher bias.
It has come to my attention, that not everybody cares and is as passionate about educational inequality as me; therefore, this week I would like to take the time to explain why we ALL should care.
Graduating high school is not the end of our vicious cycle, and as I discussed cannot be avoided by attending college or joining the immediate work-force. I understand how difficult it can be to confront this issue and you probably finish reading my articles feeling like, "Well, what am I going to do about it?" I get it, I have turned to merely writing articles about it and the solution is not simple.
My goal with this series is to educate those around me about educational inequality with efforts to minimize this injustice in my community and the community of my readers. The topics I have discussed thus far such as cultural and economic capital are areas we have all faced inequality in and are things we can change at home ourselves.
Although you might be done with school or even decided it was not for you, it still matters because changing ourselves helps our children and our future children, and it also helps other community members who are not privileged to know about this stuff. The kids in school now, whether they are ours or not, are the kids that will one day run this country, it does not end with us or even with them which is why quality, equal, and affordable education should always be a priority in the United States.
As I mentioned previously, the topics I have discussed are all essential and can potentially make a huge difference in future generations education because our education has a direct effect and helps to determine our "ceiling" for the rest of our lives. At this point, there is so much that goes into our education that historically did not use to matter that contributes to determining our life "ceiling" such as cultural capital that can be developed in school.
Things like our human capital that promote networking at a young age create gateways to better jobs and opportunities for the rest of our life. I know that during my academic career I missed out on several opportunities due to a lack of knowledge; it is the simple things like this that add up and can make a difference, but it can be hard to navigate if you do not know. I only know about this stuff now because of my younger sister, my mother's ability to extensively research, and my specific focus on educational inequality in college.
Being aware of teacher bias and being able to evaluate your education will make a difference in what you might do for your children, or the kids you might have one day. We cannot change our economic capital or the income inequality that we face in the United States, but we can minimize it by creating an equal educational opportunity for all children that does not change due to teacher bias, cultural or economic capital, race, gender, or our social mobility given to us by our parents.
Recognizing that income inequality and human capital, as well as several other aspects of everyday life, are affected by the quality of education we received is one clear reason we should all care about educational inequality.
Another reason why we should all care about educational inequality is that most demographics not including Caucasian American's are disadvantaged in every other way possible in the United States as it is; while, education has always been the "distinguishing" factor. Education is supposed to be "a way out" for some people and is promoted in the United States as such but is not even a fundamental right under our constitution, when it should be.
Nonetheless, at the end of the day, education is not equal, therefore does not promote a "fair contest" in the United States only encouraging the differences among different socio-economic groups, races, sexes, and classes; primarily helping the high-socioeconomic, wealthy, Caucasian demographic when they do not need any more help as it is.
So, to answer your question as to why should you read my articles and why you should care about educational inequality, just because knowledge is power.
I had no clue how much of a difference preschool mattered, how much teacher bias affected my success and the success of others around me, and I believe that education is the difference in inequality in America. You learning and being aware can make a difference, regardless if you are actively taking a role in this matter because you can become an advocate for equality.
These children have no clue what they are facing and even if they did could only do so much, because at the end of the day they are kids. We are the ones who can make things right; we are the ones voting, becoming parents, becoming policymakers, becoming teachers, and so on.
We are today, and we must be the change we want to see for the kids of tomorrow.
- Social Inequality and Educational Disadvantage | RSF ›
- World Inequality Database on Education ›
- Education gap: The root of inequality - YouTube ›
- The costs of inequality: Education's the one key that rules them all ... ›
- Unequal Opportunity: Race and Education ›
- Education inequalities at the school starting gate: Gaps, trends, and ... ›
- Educational inequality - Wikipedia ›