One would think that this is a statement about what is wrong with education as a whole, but I already wrote about that. If you're curious, check out What's Wrong With Education here .
I am a SUNY Cortland student from the Cortland-Ithaca area, and my mom went to Cortland to become an art teacher when she went to school. The educational system that I've dealt with my whole life is definitely something, but I digress. The education system is definitely spotty at Cortland, but the system is the core to the future of teaching, so here are my opinions regarding the future of the educational system:
1. The NO GRADE System
You heard me correctly. No more grades, no more number-enforcement. This definitely-still maintains a rapport of respect.
2. Character, Values, Morals, and Ethics teaching.
lt will share how to learn from experiences and leading by example.
3. Tools For LIFE
People will learn trades and how to apply educational material to real life (no common core).
4. FUN
The outdoors, board games, and creativity will be explored.
5. Teach to Teach
Teach expertise to be taught: How to address situations and work together as individuals as well as units for causes that are sustainable and take confidence.
College should still address these issues on a more advanced level as well as advanced teachings of character and trades of all, but there should be no issues AT ALL. Please share (subscribe).
Thank you, Steven Stoughton, The Pres (YouTube).