It could be for being too fat or too skinny, or even too pregnant, but our female celebrities can’t seem to catch a break. I doubt anybody even reads this tabloid nonsense, but these offensive versions of literary click-bait always find a way under my skin. Therefore, I’ve taken matters into my own “too skinny” hands and have decided to use my ace editing skills to fix one of these nasty articles!
Graphic design is my passion.
Notice how most of the main article is missing—with my fabulous Microsoft Word editing skills, I have hidden it. That would be because the whole darn cover was criticizing Kim for being pregnant. The smiley face is covering a picture of Kim eating to provide that sweet scandalous evidence of her weight gain. Overall, the whole magazine is a mess, but with my help, it can succeed. She's pregnant and in love, and inTouch magazine still finds a way to drum up those sweet, sexy scandals. They also manage to take her weight (a rather private number) and plaster right on the front page! The only positive I can find here is Heidi Klum saving her family—way to go, Heidi! Basically, inTouch should hire me ASAP to work on this troubling trend of body-shaming pregnant celebrities.Here's the original for your viewing pleasure.
Now, here we have the original article with its shocking expose on women who gain weight while pregnant. I mean thank goodness Heidi Klum saved her family though maybe she can save this magazine after. Now, I apologize for not providing the original in its entirety, I understand my readers are eager to know why Kim forgave Nene. After what you did Nene? You're lucky she's even giving you the time of day buddy!
Here's another classic edit. This time, they are roasting women for being too skinny! Everything about this was so awful that I just had to cover the whole thing up except for their smiling faces. Also, because that first edit with Kim Kardashian took so long you can only imagine the suffering I've endured. The only other part worth keeping was Justin's beautiful face because how could I remove that? Although I recently heard he was "busted" with another woman, so I'm clearly not the only person who appreciates his sweet face. With all this drama and cutting-edge reporting, it's clear these magazines don't need to rely on body-shaming. This article can and will serve as my graphic design resume as it is one of my many passions.
P.S. This edit took me literally hours. Every minute I worked on this was Microsoft Word hell.