Most of us can say that each day on the news, or with each swipe on Twitter, there is news about police officers and not the most positive of news. As derogatory sayings and slogans sweep the web about our law enforcement, I can't help but feel anger, and you should, too.
It seems like almost every day I see on TV another police officer who has been killed on duty, some times just sitting in his or her patrol car. This war on our law enforcement is nothing new but has been a rising epidemic for the past few years. When scrolling through apps like Twitter I see disrespectful and crude posts regarding the men and women who leave their families to serve ours every day.
Not only is this upsetting, it's sickening.
I once saw a video where a group of boys called 911 only to blast the officers with water hoses when they arrived. I've also seen NFL football players wearing socks depicting police officers as pigs (do they realize they are protected by police officers at every single game?).
I wish that every person who generalizes the police as racist or malicious could see what our world would be like without them.
Who would save that woman from domestic abuse, arrest that robber who could have hurt you, or stopped that drunk driver who could have killed your most precious loved one? Indeed, a world without police officers would be a world without heroes. Most people also perceive the police as cold-hearted, stern, disciplinarians.
However, I can say first hand that this is not the case. Being the daughter of a police officer, I can say that my dad is the kindest, considerate, gentle, and sentimental man you could meet. He has talked men and women out of suicide, risked his life for a woman being abused, and saved neglected babies.
How can anyone say these men and women cause "brutality"? It is about time that these peacemakers receive the respect they deserve.