Ringing in the new year always brings about changes we want to make and resolutions we want to keep.
However, we tend to set unrealistic expectations for ourselves. Ultimately, we can't keep up with the things that we say we want.
Part of the reason for this is that we don't set practical goals for ourselves.
If we want to start going to the gym, we shouldn't say we need to go every single day. Realistically, life throws curveballs, and you just can't fit that session daily.
We need to allow ourselves grace in order for us to be successful.
Remember, when we're changing our routines, our bodies will not just be able to adapt from a sedentary lifestyle to working out five times a week right away. It takes time and patience, which is why we usually give up.
My sweet fiancé bought me a Cricut machine for Christmas.
I've always loved crafting, DIY gifts, and projects, but I've never had the proper tools to complete them. I was so excited when I opened it up and saw it, but part of me knew why I never bought it in the first place. The machine has a learning curve, and if I were to quit trying when it came to figuring out how to use it, it would be a waste of money. I realized that I did really want to learn how to use it, and I didn't want to waste a gift, so I began watching videos and reading tips and tricks about how to use the machine.
Sure, I'd love to jump right in and be able to perfectly craft things, but it would take some time to master it.
I'm so much more thankful for this gift now because not only is it something I truly wanted, but it's allowing me the opportunity to learn and have to practice something in order to get better at it.
It's the same thing with resolutions.
We don't fail to keep them because we don't truly want to keep them. Instead, we tell ourselves that we fail because we don't account for the learning curve that is needed. We give up the second we break the routine we wanted to keep.
I encourage you to not give up on your resolutions and your goals.
Even if you miss one day or slip up here and there, learn what truly works best for you. Keep a routine, and do your best to see it through to the end.