Believe it or not, the way we talk to ourselves impacts our daily lives.
It affects our self-esteem and our view of the world around us. It is so easy to be negative to ourselves, but it is time that we take control of these negative feelings.
We need to start treating ourselves with the love and respect that we deserve.
We choose how we want our days to be through our attitude.
We may not be able to control the environment around us, but we do control the attitude within us.
1) I feel beautiful. I am beautiful.
As humans, we are all beautiful! It is important to tell yourself that you are both beautiful on the inside and outside because believe me, you are! Talking nicely to yourself is key to self-love.
2) Today will be a good day.
I am a firm believer that our attitudes shape our lives. If you start your day off with a positive attitude, you will feel better and have a better reaction to challenges.
3) I am grateful for __________.
Fill in the blank! Each and every day, we should remind ourselves of our blessings. It is really easy to take what we have for granted. For example, I always say I am grateful for family, pets, and that I am able to attend school. It is easy to forget what we have, but reminding ourselves each day will keep us in check.
4) Today, I am one step closer to where I want to be.
A lot of the time, we do not think abut how our every day choices affect our future. As unknown and scary as it might be, realize that every day is one day closer to our future goals and dreams. Our lives are like a domino effect; our actions, choices, and attitudes shape our future.
5) I have the power to create change.
Self efficacy, or one's belief in their ability to do something, affects a lot of the choices we make. Change is a process and not an event, but if you tell yourself you can do it and make a change in your mindset, you will find that you have the power to strive for the things that you want to accomplish or change.
Remember that changing your attitude may be difficult. Giving yourself control over your emotions and thoughts is a good start.
Remember to be kind and gentle with yourself as mistakes are part of the process. Take some time to reflect on what you are doing well and how you can improve.
Through all of life, remember that you got this, you are in control, and you are worthy!