It's important that young girls have female role models; whether that be in person, or on the screen, they need someone they can admire. These are a few of my favorite independent female characters.
1. Hermione Granger
Hermione Granger was one of the first characters that taught girls that it's okay to be smart. Her drive to learn and determination to excel led her to the top of her class, despite being muggle-born. I mean let's face it, without Hermione, Harry and Ron would have gotten themselves killed; or worse, expelled.
2. Lorelai Gilmore
Deciding to leave a life of money and luxury in order to take charge of her old life is not an easy choice, but Lorelai Gilmore did it and ended up making a fine life for herself. Not only was she able to live on her own, but she also was able to make a perfect life for her daughter. She built a community and opened her own inn, all while managing to help her daughter get into and excel at the Ivy Leagues.
3. Midge Maisel
The 1950s were a different time. Women were expected to find a man and keep that man happy for the rest of his life. But when Midge Maisel finds her husband with his secretary, she decides to move out and make a life without him. She even found a new talent of hers: stand-up comedy.
4. Rachel Green
Obviously, Rachel didn't start out as independent. She has never worked in her life and was still using her Dad's credit cards. But she eventually gets a job as a waitress at a coffee house and moves her way up and eventually ends up working at Ralph Lauren. Rachel's growth shows not only the hardships of independence, but also how great it can be.
5. Elle Woods
Although she started out at Harvard Law School in order to get a boy back, she ended up staying in-and even exceling- for herself. She earned a prestigious internship, was instrumental in a murder trial, and ended up graduating top of her class.