Okay, so I have recently figured out that I like Ed Sheeran. His latest album, Divide, is probably my new favorite. The soul he brings to the table and the incredible words he uses to describe his feelings truly grab you. The music itself is enrapturing.
According to most women who I have spoken with, they think that Ed is not necessarily a knock-out. His red hair and chubby cheeks may not be appealing to most girls, but I disagree because of his personality.
Now, red hair isn't my forte. Some girls dig it, but I can't say I do. Despite his appearance, I find him to be incredibly, outrageously Level 10 cutie.
Do you hear his words? Do you hear his voice? His music? The messages he's sending us? That's attractive. His voice resonates within a tenor range and each note is perfectly toned.
In addition to his angelic vocal cords, his words have me dumbfounded. The lyrics in the songs Small Bump, Supermarket Flowers, and, of course, Thinking Out Loud are fascinating and they are clearly from his warm, fuzzy heart. These songs are not the only ones of his that are this great; ALMOST EVERY SINGLE ONE IS.
Lastly, I would just like to comment on how he speaks about women. He is respectful, yet still able to talk in a sexual manor without being rude or demeaning.
Once more, listen to Ed Sheeran. You won't regret it.
Ed Sheeran is a man, THE man, and nothing short of amazing.