Ed Sheeran's newest album "/" (Divide) came out at the beginning of this month and it has been a game changer for the year 2017. After almost a three year break, Sheeran is back with what is bound to be one of the best-selling albums of the year.
For anyone who is familiar with Sheeran's career, you know it's nearly impossible for him to write a bad song and this album lives up to that but like everything else in life, there's bound to be songs that truly stand out from the crowd.
It may seem impossible but we've tried to do it: we've ranked Ed's new album.
16. How Would You Feel (Paean)
It sounds like a very generic slow jam about a breakup. I can't say it's going to be a song I ever have on repeat.
15. Dive
Yeah, I can't say it's bad but it doesn't "wow" me. Every artist needs some "filler" songs and this is probably one.
14. Happier
"Happier" reminds me of white bread. It's actually pretty good, it just might not be the best bread out there.
13. Eraser
I like the backing track, it sounds awesome but I feel like another song about how hard it is to be famous is a bit redundant.
12. Hearts Don't Break Around Here
The only line that stuck out to me was about "fingers and thumbs" and I can't break the association. It makes me a little uncomfortable.
11. What Do I Know
Catchy, very catchy and I like the meaning about how crazy the world can be but I don't know, just not my favorite.
10. Perfect
Maybe I need to admit that I'm a little biased and that I prefer Ed's faster songs. This is pretty. I probably don't like it because I'm single.
9. Shape of You
Please don't hurt me. I know this is a radio fave but I just can't love it, you feel?
8. Save Myself
The piano melody in this is absolutely gorgeous. The piano itself puts this song in the top half of the album ranking.
7. Bibia Be Ye Ye
I feel like this sounds like "Waka, Waka" by Shakira. Not sure why, but it does.
6. New Man
A great, lighthearted jam for summer or for when your friend just KEEPS talking about that guy she met at the bar.No, Karen, I don't want to hear about this guy again.
5. Supermarket Flowers
This song has forever changed my perspective on the wilting daisies you see in CVS checkout lines.
4. Nancy Mulligan
SUCH. A. JAM. If you don't want to go to Ireland after this one, you're doing life wrong.
3. Galway Girl
Maybe it's because I'm a sucker for the original "Galway Girl" or maybe it's because I grew up in an Irish family, this song is one you can't get sick of.
2. Castle on the Hill
This song needs to be in a film sequence where the jaded 20-something returns to their hometown and finds themselves again along with rekindling their high school relationship. Still a jam, though.
1. Barcelona
Try to tell me this song doesn't make you imagine you're dancing in Barcelona with your crush (or at least sitting on your couch with a bottle of sangria). I've never wanted to go to Spain more than I do at this very moment.
Whether you love or hate this album, you have to admit that if any of these songs were on another artists' album, they'd automatically be a hit. Ed Sheeran is truly a legend in the making.