This year, we couldn’t have asked for a better lineup, with the holiday falling on a Friday. Pirates will no doubt be dressed up Tuesday-Saturday, probably ending celebrations with a Sunday day drink at Supdops complete with Sam Adams Octoberfest and cheesy tots.
In 2013, EliteDaily ranked ECU as the #1 party school in the country, stating: “The event dubbed “Midnight Madness” floods Fifth Street with costumed crowds. Six blocks are shut down to house the masses that flood into the streets in costume.”
In the same article, UNC was only ranked #3, with the description, “University of North Carolina may not be on Princeton’s list of wildest party schools, but that doesn’t stop them from throwing a killer Halloween bash every year. According to, about 75,000 students and guests head to Franklin Street to party from 9 pm. until 1:30 a.m. Top of the Hill is a restaurant and brewery with rooftop seating for those who want to view the costumed masses on Franklin.”
Unfortunately, some sites are confused as to how we dominate the Halloween scene. That same year, Fiesta Frog ranked East Carolina #35 in “The 100 Top Party Schools in the Nation” and the Tarheels as #25.
So which school do you think will host the better Halloweekend in 2014? If predictions are taking into consideration our football victory of 70 - 42, the Pirates are sure to out rank UNC on every websites rankings.
Hey Chapel Hill, we’ll let you have basketball, but we’re taking the win on everything else.