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10 Ways To Save The Environment As A College Student

Go green.

10 Ways To Save The Environment As A College Student

With all the hustle and bustle of college life, most students feel as though they don't have time to worry about the environment. However, college students are the future of our world. If our generation doesn't advocate for environmental protection, who will?

Luckily, there are plenty of simple and inexpensive ways to go green without changing your daily life. Here are 10 ways to save the environment as a college student:

1. Take notes on your laptop

Mikayla Mallek

Reduce paper waste and take notes on your laptop. The best thing about taking digital notes is all of your study materials are in one place plus you can make copies and find info with the click of a button. Unfortunately, many professors don't allow laptops in class, so be careful not to get in trouble.

2. Only print what you need


This is such a simple way to reduce paper waste. Edit papers digitally and only print when you're ready. Only print the important pages of that eight page syllabus. We all know how expensive printing on campus can be, but this tip can save you time and money. If you have your own printer, this saves tons of ink while reducing waste.

3. Power down when you can

Benjamin Voros

For students living off-campus, you normally do this anyway after receiving your first electricity bill. However, for on-campus students, remembering to turn off your lights, TV or fan can be tricky. Even if you're not the one paying the bills, its still smart to power down your electronics when you aren't using them.

4. Take shorter, colder showers


Taking a long, hot shower or bath is hands-down the best way to unwind after a long, hard day of classes and work. Who doesn't love singing in the shower to hype yourself up for the day ahead of you? Unfortunately, those 45-minute concerts or cry sessions waste water and energy. Try to take shorter, colder showers to reduce water waste and energy used to warm the water.

5. Walk or bike to class


Skipping a car ride can help cut down the emission of greenhouse gases entering the environment from cars. Walking or biking also boosts your energy, helps you get fit and saves a ton of money on gas.

6. Opt for reusable or zero-waste products


I'm sure by now everyone has heard about the save the turtles movement in which people are refusing to use single use straws. While doing this is great, there are so many other reusable or zero-waste products that you can incorporate into your daily life. For instance, reusable grocery bags and water bottles are a simple and low-cost swap to reduce plastic waste.

7. Recycle


Many colleges have programs for students that makes recycling easy. Some colleges even reward students for recycling on campus. Even if your college doesn't offer recycling, most towns do. Some stores like Target and Wal-Mart even have recycling areas inside the stores. Don't be afraid to ask school or government officials if there is a program available to you. If you want to go a step further, start your own recycling program on campus!

8. Shop smarter, not harder

Melissa Askew

Do your research to learn what brands produce eco-friendly, ethical and sustainable products. An easy way to shop smarter is to buy organic products and shop locally at places like farmer's markets. This tip can be hard for college students as many eco-friendly products are more expensive than regular products.

9. Buy in bulk


Buying is bulk is my favorite way to shop. Not only does this save packaging and allow for less waste, it also saves so much money in the long run. Grab your roommate or a friend and split a Sam's Club membership, which is only $45 per year. This tip is more targeted to students who live off-campus, but buying snacks and other items in bulk can also help dorm dwellers.

10. Let the world know you care

Ana Bernardo

The best way to make an impact is to encourage others to start a movement. Re-post eco-friendly articles on your social media. Challenge your friends and family to go green. Share tips and tricks to saving the environment with others. Call your local government representatives and let them know that you, along with your generation, care about our environment and demand change.

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