With the massive cheesy bread orders, den pops on the reg, and McDonald’s on every corner, more and more people are saying, “It’s so hard to eat healthily in college.” Eating healthily is actually pretty simple.Try these tips and see for yourself.
In any aspect of your life good health is essential do the things that you would like to do. Just making health a priority can help you eat healthier. Too often,we put our homework and social lives above getting enough rest or exercising. You are nothing without your health.Have some self respect,and get excited about feeling and being your best.
What are your options?
Fraternities and sororities probably have the most limited options of all the ways to live on campus. However, I see the following scenario all the time.A basket of oranges is next to a basket of oreos. Girls come into the kitchen looking for a snack, grab the oreos and say, “Urgh I’m not in the mood for an orange, it is so hard to eat healthy in college.” Or at lunch time, when the hot lunch is mystery meat and french fries (there is always a salad bar option), girls will eat it and say,“I am so sick of salad; there is nothing healthy to eat.” If you are not hungry enough to eat an orange or a salad, you are not hungry.Do not kid yourself. There is always fruit out for a snack and there is always a salad bar during meal times. Go fruit yourself. Focus on the beautiful and delicious healing foods that are available to you.
Find cheap eats
Nobody wants to spend money buying their own food when they already paid for a meal plan at their fraternity or sorority. However, if you are not down for the limited menu, these are cheap healthy options:
Farmer’s Market
Fresh produce direct from farmers is so much cheaper and fresher, fresher and so much more delicious.The farmer’s market is on campus over the train tracks in Memorial Mall on Thursdays 11 a.m.- 3p.m. There is also the Sagamore West Farmer’s Market on Wednesdays from 3-6:30 p.m. at 3065 N. Salisbury. The Lafayette Farmer’s Market is huge. Get your butt down there and see all the cheap eats.It is located on Fifth St. between Main and Columbia from 7:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. every Saturday.Check out the amazing buys.
20 Percent Off Student Discount at Sunspot
Sunspot Natural Market is located at 500 W.Sagamore Parkway in West Lafayette. They offer students a 10 percent discount everyday and a 20 percent discount on Thursdays. Check this place out.
Invest in a blender
The number of blenders at Kappa has more than quadrupled over the past year. Us busy Greek-lifers are always on the move. They have blenders as cheap as $15.00 at WalMart. Don’t know what to make? You can make these smoothies in your house:
Orange Creamsicle:
(if not frozen, just add ice)
Frozen Bananas
Orange Juice
Green Machine
Chuck Berry
(if not frozen, add ice)
1 ½ frozen bananas
4 frozen strawberries
2 tablespoons frozen blueberries (or any berry)
1 cup water
Don’t Stress
Give yourself credit for all that you are and all that you do. Nobody is perfect. Sometimes, there are no choices out there that work best with our bodies, but we do the best we can. Food should be savored and enjoyed in the moment,never stressful.
Remember,the only unhealthy foods are the ones that are spoiled or that you are allergic to. Where there’s a will, there’s a way. Make simple choices every day. You will find a way to make it happen if you really want to.