Despite this unpredicted snowstorm, spring is around the bend. By the way, how’s that “new year, new me” resolution you made 3 months ago working out? Not too well for me either! The New Year honeymoon phase has more than worn off and I don’t know about you but my healthy eating habits have gone down the drain once again. Luckily, all hope is never lost! There is still plenty to time to get back on track and even attain the beach body some people yearn for. Eating the right foods takes determination and effort, which is especially difficult for college students running around like mad dogs writing papers and late night cram studying for mid-terms. As a Registered Dietician to-be, I have compiled a few items that take virtually zero added effort without sacrificing taste. “Eat This, Not That” Ursinus Edition is based on the popular book/article series by David Zinczenko and Matt Goulding. Credit to them for their amazing ideas!
Please note that I am not a trained or licensed professional, and this article is my personal opinion based on prior knowledge. As always, make sure to talk to your doctor or other trained professional for validated and specific food choices suited for you and your goals.
Without further ado, here are some tips and tricks!
1. Eat This: Banana Chips.
Not That: Potato Chips/Tortilla Chips.
One thing I will never stop craving is that CRUNCH factor chips always seem to provide. But sometimes a bag of potato chips leave me feeling greasy and bloated. Banana chips are a healthier alternative that pack a close crunch in my book. Banana chips are made with real bananas and can give you a full serving of fruit if you eat enough of them. They are great for if you’re on the go, putting in yogurt, or just munching on them plain. Banana chips are a sweet (literally) alternative to the popular potato chip.
P.S. – For my friends at Ursinus College, they are located at the yogurt station!
2. Eat This: Turkey Burger, Whole Wheat Bun, and Carrot/Celery sticks.
Not That: Cheeseburger, White Bun, and French Fries.
Next time you swing by the grill for a juicy cheeseburger, think about trying a turkey burger on a whole wheat bun instead! Turkey burgers are lower in fat and a more eco-friendly option than a hamburger. The whole wheat bun has more nutrion per calorie than the white bun and will keep you more full for longer!
Ursinus: Raw Carrot/Celery Sticks are always available at the grill station and are an easy swap from french fries in the same visit.
3. Eat This: Cold Wrap from “Natural”.
Not That: Cold Wrap from "Subconnections".
The new food station, “Natural” just opened in the Floy Lewis Bakes center and it is my new favorite place to eat! They serve healthier alternatives to other dining locations on campus. Instead of getting a cold wrap from “Subconnections”, try a cold wrap from “Natural”. The base of subconnection wraps are processed meats which are high in saturated fat and sodium. Natural has Chicken, Tuna, and Tofu base options, fresh vegetables/fruits, and healthy mix-in options not available at Subconnections. The wraps at the “Natural” station leave me feeling full and refreshed.
4. Eat This: Burrito Bowl from “Wholly Habanero’s".
Not That: Quesadilla from "Wholly Habenero's".
A Burrito Bowl at Wholly Habenero’s is a much safer bet than a Quesadilla. A Quesadilla is made up of a white wrap, chedder cheese, beans, and your choice of meat. On the other hand, the burrito bowl is customizable with more options. You can add salsa, onions, and lettuce which vegetables to the dish! Also, the quesadilla tends to have more cheese added compared to the burrito bowl which is high in fat/sodium levels. Watch out for sour cream and the queso fresco as they can contain high levels of saturated fat and cholesterol!
5. Buy This: Cheerios with Fat Free Milk.
Not That: Instant Noodle Bowls.
If you are stopping by the C-store for a late night snack, chances are you are willing to grab the first thing that makes your mouth water. Stop, and think! Assuming money isn’t an obstacle, you have the power to make a healthier decision for yourself. When we are tired and stressed is when determination slips. Don’t let this happen to you! Instead of snatching up a ramen or other generic noodle concoction, grab a personal sized bowl of cheerios and fat free milk from the fridge! Instant noodles contain more sodium than you should consume in a whole day! Cheerios are a more heart healthy option and contain a lot less sodium. Pressed for time? Pouring milk into cheerios is even quicker than waiting 3 minutes for your noodles to cook in the microwave ;)
There are my 5 easy swaps to navigate the Ursinus College Dining Experience. I challenge you to find other healthy swaps of your own!