Everyone has his or her obsessions or habits that make them who they are. If you ask anyone that knows me, my obsession would be Disney. I eat, breathe, and sleep Disney. It is always on my mind. From movies to the parks to the characters it’s my entire life.
1. Disney is my only vocabulary
I find myself talking more about Disney that I do anything else. I annoy my family regularly by rambling on about Disney and everything it has to offer. The happiness I get from talking about Disney is… magical.
2. Disney movies…word for word? I got it
I’ve seen each Disney movie too many times to count. I know many movies word for word and find myself singing or talking along with the characters. I also listen to the soundtracks from the movies as I drive to work or to school.
3. What do you mean I’m not a princess?!
4. So… do you want to go to Disney?
I find myself going to Disney at least once or twice a year, every year. Once I leave the parks, I feel like I need to go right back. I want to go to every Disney theme park ever made. I have only been to the parks in Orlando, but one day I would like to travel the world and see them all.
5. Career goals = Disney
Ever since I was a little girl, I have always wanted to be a princess, until sadly I realized it was not a realistic career option.I used to want to become a teacher and would dream of having a Disney themed classroom and teach off of Disney lesson plans, But at the bottom of my heart, I knew that wouldn’t be what I really wanted.The role of a teacher just didn't seem like the right fit for me.
I know I want to work for Disney, so I switched my major to something that would draw a better path for me to get there. I am now a communication major with a minor in marketing. One day I hope to reach my goal of working for Disney and being in their department of communications and help share the magic Disney has to offer. The magic of Disney never gets old and It is something everyone should experience at least once!