Around this time, strawberries are becoming abundant and I can't wait to eat them! But what upsets me is that not all people are excited about eating strawberries! Throughout my life, I have come across people who do not like enjoy eating strawberries! I'm even surprised to say that one of these people is my big sister. I have asked her why, but her answer is simple: "I don't like the taste." Then when it comes to picking out ice cream flavors, no one will choose strawberry. This puzzles me so much. But what can I say? Everyone has their own tastes. And I can't force everyone to like strawberries.
For one thing, I love strawberries. Whether it's strawberry milk or strawberry ice cream or even strawberry shortcake, I will definitely eat it. I just wish people appreciate eating strawberries. There are a lot of things people are missing out when they choose not to eat strawberries. Here are 3 reasons why people should appreciate eating strawberries.
1. Strawberries are a great source of Vitamin C
Besides oranges, strawberries are rich in Vitamin C. In fact, strawberries have at least 7 mg of Vitamin C, which is more than the amount of Vitamin C in oranges. My parents have been pestering me to eat lots of oranges for a lot of Vitamin C. But the thing is I prefer the sweet taste of strawberries over the sour taste of oranges. To those who wish to eat a fruit with a great source of Vitamin C other than oranges, strawberries are definitely the fruits you are looking for!
2. Strawberries reduce weariness
For some reason, eating strawberries always brighten my day. Their sweet, tangy taste boosts my mood especially on days when I'm unenthusiastic and don't have the energy to do anything. Eating strawberries always helps me get the day off to a great start! They stimulate the senses and gets me hyped up. Strawberries also make me feel weightless, taking off that load of heaviness from my stomach. It makes me ready to do anything! Not to mention, strawberries never fail to put a smile on my face. Eating a refreshing fruit like strawberries is a great way to start your day right!
3. Strawberries can be enjoyed with anything
The best part about strawberries is that you can eat them with anything! Strawberries are great toppings on desserts such as cake, ice cream, and even pie! Not only do they help make the dessert look very decorative, but they also help make the desserts look very enticing as well. These red, luscious heart-shaped fruits just make the temptation so hard to resist! Other than desserts, strawberries can also be put on pancakes and cereal as a healthy breakfast! Moreover, you can eat strawberries with chocolate! Dipping strawberries in chocolate really makes for a great treat! Strawberries are also great with smoothies! Their luscious and juicy taste enrich smoothies with sweetness and freshness, thereby making smoothies so delicious to drink.
Given these points that I've stated, I hope everyone understands my love for strawberries. How can you not want to eat this sweet, succulent fruit?