12 Easy Ways To Find Creative Writing Inspiration | The Odyssey Online
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You Don't Even Have To Get Out Of Bed, Here Are 12 Easy Ways To Find Creative Writing Inspiration

Whoever said you can't be productive in your pajamas was wrong.

You Don't Even Have To Get Out Of Bed, Here Are 12 Easy Ways To Find Creative Writing Inspiration

Even if you're super passionate about writing, you'll have days where writing a single decent line of prose or poetry seems impossible. For the days when telling yourself to sit down and write isn't enough, here are some ways you can inspire your writer's block to take a hike.

1. Pick a really insignificant object in your line of sight and write from its perspective.


A pillow, a stuffed animal, a desk lamp, a phone charger—each has its own unique perspective, right? Sit down and write a poem or a short story from the perspective of whatever mundane object has caught your eye...it might turn out more interesting than you expect.

2. Pick a memorable dream you've had and turn it into a short story or a short short story.


Did you dream that the person you like finally asked you out? Write a mini heartfelt rom-com. That you fell off a cliff...again? Write a flash fiction thriller about sleepwalking and sharp inclines. That you saved the world from rampaging zombies? Well, maybe that would be easier to work into a novel, but hey, a short battle scene could be a fun write.

3. Try to write from a POV you haven't attempted before.


First-person, second-person, third-person close, third-person distant, omniscient, stream of consciousness...the possibilities are endless.

4. Look up writing prompts on social media.


You could always try my spooky prompt article, but if that doesn't tickle your fancy, maybe Instagram will come to the rescue. Pages like writing.prompt.s and prompts.for.writing both occasionally have some real prompt gems, and the former often uploads short stories penned by followers based on the posted prompts. Inspiration AND exposure? Get in on this, ladies and gents.

5. Try a new form of writing.


If you're used to writing poems, try to write a short story. If you usually write novels, attempt a song. Even if you don't end up being the best newbie songwriter in the world, trying something new could get those creative juices flowing again.

6. Read.


A book, some lyrics, the back of a cereal box. Honestly just read anything. Reading makes us all better writers.

7. Go to your notes app and just start hitting words in the predictive text bar.


I'm pretty sure I've concocted some beauties using this method that rival my actual, polished short stories.

8. Listen to songs from, like, 15 or 45 years ago.


Nostalgia can get you in that mood. That kind of moody mood that is GREAT for writing endeavors. Bonus points if you get super emotional and write a script for the next Netflix Original.

9. Express yourself in other creative ways.


Maybe writing just isn't coming to you at the moment. Sing using your teddy bear as a mic. If you're willing to climb out of bed, try drawing or painting, or even dancing. There's nothing like an impromptu rendition of the "Cupid Shuffle" to shake things up.

10. Call/text an old friend and have a nice chat.


Even if nothing particularly interesting has happened to you lately, perhaps they have a tale that will spark a story/song/poem.

11. Watch a really thought-provoking movie or TV show.


I mean, let's be honest. You're gonna go on a Netflix binge sooner or later, so you might as well try to find something of good quality. I would definitely recommend the film "Arrival" if you want to question your very existence, but if you're going the Netflix route, try "Black Mirror" (a.k.a. the best show on Earth, don't @ me).

12. Revise some past writing.


If you're really struggling to get words on the page today, thank your past self for the words you've already written. Revising some work you've already done can get you back into the flow of your writing style, and it offers an opportunity for introspection. You can do this, no matter how severe your writer's block!

You may have thought you needed to get out of bed to be productive today, but PSA: you don't. Now you're well on your way to a bestseller and you don't even have to change out of pajamas. Go team!

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