Stocks, mutual funds, all that stuff sounds like a foreign language to many. Most people think investing is too difficult, takes too much time, and you have to know so much. While it is important to keep up with the news and current events for investing, it actually isn't that difficult. It's an easy way to save money, and a lot of the time you don't even have to think about it! These tips will help you learn to invest without going too crazy.
Set up a mutual funds account
This form of investment is safe and requires very little thought. While the return is not as big as some people might like, it's still an easy way to save some money. A lot of banks offer this, and you can set it up to automatically transfer money into it. It is also not easy to take money out and there are sometimes penalties, making it less tempting to take money out early.
Set up automatic transfers into a savings account
Setting up smaller transfers more frequently helps to make it seem like not too much money is being taken out. It may even be beneficial to open an account with another bank so you are less tempted to withdraw money from it.
Invest in the stock market
Sounds scary, I know. But luckily there are apps, like Robinhood and Stash, that make this SUPER easy! Most of them even link news articles about the companies you're investing in so it's easy to follow. You can also set up automatic transfers with these apps, as well.
Invest in yourself!
How could that possibly save you money, you're probably wondering. Well, if you take the time to educate yourself in ways to save money, you'll actually be investing in some way! Working on yourself is one of the best things you can do to grow. If you do not spend the proper time growing and developing, it may be harder to invest financially.