Let's face it. Surviving college is intense. You could be taking only 15 credits and chilling in a hammock, or taking a course load of 18 credits and joining all of Flagler's glorious clubs. Regardless of how you plan to fill your day, there are what I like to call "Social Sneak Attacks" that will happen. "SSAs" can come in all shapes and sizes. From meeting up with friends, to watching Netflix or going out -- it's easy to lose track of time. Suddenly it's one in the morning, you have an 8:00 a.m. speech class in Pollard, and you can't fall asleep. And if sleep does arrive, it is restless. Now is the best time in our lives to experience and explore. However, sleep is still important. Probably far more important than many realize. I myself struggle getting enough sleep to function, so I've collected some helpful tidbits and words of advice for all of us trying to create our legacies without becoming zombies.
1. Stay Away From Caffeine!
About 8 hours before you go to bed, it's best to limit your caffeine intake. Become aware of what goes into your body. Maybe try having the standard late-night dessert earlier, perhaps after lunch, instead of moments before you fall asleep.
2. Keep the Room Dark
Our bodies are programmed to sleep when it's nighttime, so the technological advancement of artificial light messes things up. Turn all lights off. Make sure your cellphone screen is black, and even things like flickering chargers are covered. Take no chances at disrupting your sleep. Sleep is "bae."
3. Don't Drink!
Contrary to popular belief, alcohol does not help you sleep. Sure, after enough drinks you pass out. But alcoholic drinks typically have very high caffeine levels. You get the rush, and then the crash, leaving you with that irritable, tired but restless feeling that makes it impossible to get a good night's rest. So, we return to #1: Stay Away From Caffeine!
4. Take a Shower Before Bed
It's easy to feel lazy after a full day of work, and that laziness can make you plop in bed unwashed, sometimes even fully dressed. You gotta fight it, hommies! Take a quick rinse before going to bed. It will make you feel refreshed and clean. Crawling in bed sweaty, covered in salt or dirt will just lead to tossing and turning. Also, all those oils and dirt on your body just fester and lead to irritable skin and bad complexions. It's all not worth it. Get clean and sleep free.
5. Keep the Bedroom Cool
We actually sleep better when immersed in cooler temperatures. It doesn't have to be freezing, of course, but that chilly tint provides greater comfort during the night. Too much heat will cause the body to wake up. If you get cold easily, like me, you can always add another blanket to the bed to bundle up.
6. Keep a Notepad by Your Bed
It's easy to be overwhelmed by late-night thoughts or unfinished business. Don't let these stop you. Just write them down as you get into bed. This process will act as a release, allowing you to forget about the little things, as they are immortalized in pen and can always be re-opened the following day.
7. Sex Helps...
Our parents might not condone this, but having intercourse releases multiple hormones that can lead to better sleep. This rule more generally applies to men, but it seen to benefit both genders. During sex, the "feel-good" hormone oxytocin surges, which helps cancel out any stressful thoughts you might be having before bed. Also, having sex in the dark is wiser. The darkness signals to the body it is time for bed, causing the hormone melatonin to kindle one's sleep cycle.
There is no one remedy to turn-off the insanity of college life. However, with these helpful tidbits, you might be one step closer to a good night's rest and sweet dreams.